Part 4

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"How's saving the whole red room going Yelena" olivia asked,

"It's good, really good"

"Eat up girls' macaroni is good for you" Alexei said,

"So Olivia we need to tell you something" Melina said,

"Oh look Ivan's calling me probably wants to check on me I should answer this"

"Ivan thank god you answered,"


"Yeah hello to you too, how are your darling, how's dinner going, how's the kids whatever, I need help getting out of here"

"You chose to go plus I'm playing games with friends all day I can't help"

Olivia hung up on him a swore in Russian to herself "гребаный мудак, sometimes I wonder why I married a russian that was born in America" she said under her breath,

"You back so soon, what did Ivan want"

"Nothing, this macaroni is delish"

Yelena's phone binged "oh that's me, I have to go. my widow helping me track down other widows found the next location of another widow."

"Wait Yelena I'll walk you out"

"Why are you being so awkward" she asked,

"Because I found out something that I don't want to know"

"Okay tell me I am your big sister"

"Dreykov told me Melina is my mother"

"Yeah I know she's always been our mother"

"No I mean my actual mother, like she gave physical birth to me, I apparently freaking came out of that woman"

"That's impossible we're sisters, like actual blood full sisters"

"Half sisters" I coughed,

"What did you say"

"Ugh, I did the test when he told me the truth and it turns out where half sisters we share the same dad I also found his file he was a agent that dreykov killed just before Melina found out she was pregnant with me"

"He was an agent"

"Yeah, a shield agent. It looks like Melina slept with him while she was undercover in New York"

"Yeah typical I should leave because if Melina knows the truth and it's the reason she brought you here now I shouldn't be here because it's gonna get ugly but who knows Dreykov may have been lying like he always did"

"Yeah maybe, Bye Yelena, come visit me soon okay"

"I promise" as Yelena hopped into her jet, Olivia did their common whistle and Yelena whistled back.

"Mom Alexei was just telling us how he killed bad guys,"

"You have to be kidding me don't tell my kid how you killed people their kids who didn't grow up in the red room like their mother, that's not what grandparents do they don't share war stories with kids, they don't keep secrets about their children and not tell the child, god what's wrong with this family. UGHHHHH"

"Mommy's mad" Natalie whispered to her sister Melina who just giggled,

Olivia paced back and forth, "Olivia are you alright" Melina asked,

"No, I'm not-" she saw the kids were still there she stopped talking and just smiled, "Melina sweetie go take Natalie outside and play with the pigs and chickens"

"But we want to stay inside" Natalie said,

"Please, I'll buy you both ice creams from your favourite ice cream shop"

"Okay" they both said walking outside to play with the chickens,

"You wanna speak now" Melinda said,

"I'm not alright, dreykov while i was left alone in that room with him he told me something, god I really wished he hadn't, it's been killing me all this time keeping it in god I hated that guy but what he told me all makes sense now, it alls adds up of why that widow helped me escape she was a friend of yours right-"

"Olivia calm down what are you saying" Melina added,

"Are you my mother"

~ Do you think Melina will tell her the truth or say Dreykov was lying, what do you think of the first few chapters so far!! And what do you think of this new bombshell I wonder what could be in store next for olivia. <333
Also it's currently 11pm at night right now
so exuse the spelling mistakes if there is any 😆🤎

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