Spider-Man: Welcome

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December 27th 2021:

Hello Spidey lovers! 🕸🕷

I am so happy you decided to read my book. I watched the NWH movie yesterday and I am still processing everything that happened. So much to unpack that I may need to watch the movie two to three more times to fully grasp everything that happened. I don't want to spoil it too much, but all I will say is that the movie was a true masterpiece, who agrees with me?

MCU really thought this through. And I could not be anymore pleased with the way the movie ended. Even if it did end on a bittersweet note. I loved it. Peter's character arc is beautiful and I cannot wait to give my own input and unique twist to the post-NWH world.

With that said, I am about to give one MAJOR spoiler. So if you are avoiding them for now, just add my book to your library, and come back to it later. I promise it is definitely worth it. So, anyways, as most of us know, at the end of NWH Peter had Doctor Strange wipe everybody's memory of his existence as Peter Parker. So basically, the world only knows Spider-Man exists but there is no record of Peter Parker anymore. No pictures, no birth certificate, no school records, etc. (you get the point).

Obviously, he does this all after the whole multiverse fiasco that almost destroyed the very concept of reality. At the end, Peter realizes that in order to keep villains from coming after him (and those he loves) in his universe, he must have everyone forget Spider-Man's real identity and the only way to successful do that without further collateral damage is to erase everyone's memory of Peter Parker's existence. So besides Peter himself, no one will know he ever existed.

Thus, it leads us with infinite gaps of possibilities (until hopefully they make a fourth Spider-Man movie). And this is why I am writing my own version of what could happen. In NWH, Peter goes to MJ's workplace to "remind" her who he is (like he promised he would do), but ultimately decides against it when he sees how happy both Ned and MJ are without him. And since sadly (SPOILER AHEAD) Aunt May was killed by the Green Goblin, Peter truly doesn't have any family left to tell. So, in a true Peter Parker fashion, he chooses to protect the handful of people he loves, and decides to rather be completely alone than to put his loved ones in harms way ever again.

I hope you enjoy my  own telling of his character, along many others, as I develop a plot (that I hope) honors the Spider-Man franchise and recognizes the potential in the writing art. Constructive criticism and plot suggestions are always welcomed, so please don't hesitate to comment or message with your ideas.
Here is my official book cover:

Here is my official book cover:

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Happy readings Wattys,


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