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After a while, they began going over the files for the mission

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After a while, they began going over the files for the mission. Jemma shared with Spencer, and Melinda shared with Aaron. Aaron moved it closer to her, so she can see what was said, while Jemma laid her head on Spencer's shoulder to see on his. "Ok, so all the murders were done a week apart." Aaron starts as Emily adds on, "All the victims were brunettes with brown eyes." Derek then adds on, "That could be the connection." Melinda and Jemma sat quietly, listening not knowing what to do or say. They were listening to the professionals, waiting until they landed. "The station is saying that they have all that we will need to be prepared for us when we get there." JJ tells them and Aaron nodded in acknowledgement, "Good. We'll all head there then decide on what to do after." Melinda closed the file after reading the whole thing and pushed it back to Aaron and looked at them all. Jemma was curious, as she always is, and looked at her S.O, "What did Andrew want, May?" The others turned to look at Melinda wondering as well. She looked at Jemma with an annoyed look on her face, "He wanted me to help with someone afraid of men and women. I told him that I was working and that I couldn't help right now." Jemma looked at her with a apologetic look, "I never really knew Andrew as you did, but after I heard what he did to you, I didn't really acknowledge him." David looked at Melinda with curiosity, "What does he do again?" Melinda looked at him, "Psychologist." David nodded as Aaron saw her hand clenched, and placed his hand over it. Melinda looked at their hands, and then at him with a small smile. "Ok, I've got to ask. What made you two be a part of SHIELD?" Derek asks making Melinda and Jemma look at each other. Melinda gestured for Jemma to go first, making Jemma smile before she looked at them as she began to explain her want for SHIELD. "Well, kind of what Strauss said was true. I had graduated from the academy, and Coulson took me and Leo to be a part of his team. We were 18, so we were really young." Jemma explains then turned to Melinda, who nodded, "I've worked on many missions with Coulson since we began to work for SHIELD. When Bahrain happened, I retired and worked on the papers for SHIELD. I was brought out by Fury, old director when he came up to me and told me to secretly create Coulson's team to watch over him." Spencer looked at her with curiosity as he wasn't sure if he was told right, "Because he died, didn't he?" Melinda nodded her head remembering how Phil died and was brought back. She looked at them all, all intrigued with the story, "Coulson didn't know but he was brought back with false memories of going to Tahiti. He eventually found out when Fitz found out about a phone I had secretly hidden on the BUS. He cut it off when I was reporting to Fury." Jemma looked at her, "I wasn't there, but Leo told me a few days later. He said he thought you were the mole that was watching over us for the Clairvoyant. It was actually Ward." Aaron looked at the two with curiosity, "Who's Ward?" Jemma looked at him with a shake of her head, "No one important anymore. He's dead. Thank god." Everyone quieted down after that but they were almost about to land anyway. They will most likely ask later.

Two Teams in One

They landed and got in vans to head to the station. The vans drove behind each other to the station. They soon arrived and got out as the sheriff walked over to them. "Agent Hotchner. Good to see you and your team again." The sheriff, Brian, starts then noticed Melinda and Jemma "Oh! Seems like you've got two more members!" Aaron looked at the two women and gestured to both of them as he introduces them, "These are Agents May and Simmons." Melinda and Jemma shook his hand in greeting and respect. Brian kept his eyes on Melinda the whole time, making the group, except Aaron, notice. They smirked, waiting until he does notice which will be hilarious. "If you'll follow me, I'll show you where you'll be working." Brian tells them and began to lead the group into the station, then began staying back to walk beside Melinda. She looked at him with her constant stoic expression, before looking back in front of her. "Right here!" Brian gestured to a room and the group walked in and began setting everything up. He then looked at them, but kept glancing at Melinda, "You need anything?" Aaron cut him off from staring into Melinda's soul as she was looking at a file, "No, thank you." Brian nodded, before winking at Melinda making her roll her eyes, as he walked away. The group, minus Aaron, started laughing. Aaron frowned confused thinking someone told a joke and he missed it. "What happened?" Aaron asks and Emily was the one to explain it to him, "You didn't notice that Brian was totally checking Agent May out? It was so easy to see!" Aaron looked at Melinda and saw her looking at a picture in a file. He didn't say anything, but he did notice, it wasn't that hard to notice. He just knew that she can handle it herself and if need be he'll step in. "Alright. Reid, JJ, and Jemma stay here, Morgan and Prentiss go to the morgue, and Rossi, Melinda, and I will go to a crime scene." Aaron commands and everyone nodded and went to do what they were supposed to. Melinda followed Aaron and David to the van. She hopped in the back, letting the two men in the front. They buckled their seat belts and were off to one of the crime scenes. "So, Agent May, how'd you feel about that sheriff?" David asks as he was asking, trying to get something out of Aaron. Melinda scoffed at the question, not noticing Aaron looking back at her in the rear view mirror, "I don't think he's my type." David looked back at her from the passenger seat, "What is your type?" Melinda looked at him, knowing what he was doing, and smirked, "No comment." Aaron got tired of the conversation and began to change the subject, "Are you going to be ok looking at the crime scenes?" Melinda looked at him with a roll of her eyes in the rear view mirror, "I'll be fine. It's not like I haven't seen anything worse." Aaron shrugged, "Just wondering." They arrived at the crime scene house and got out. An officer walked over to them as Aaron and David rose their badges. "BAU?" Officer asks. "And SHIELD." David says gesturing to Melinda who held her stoic look. The officer nodded, "Great. More eyes. You are going upstairs, first door to your left." Aaron nodded, "Thanks." The three walked past the officer and headed upstairs. They walked to the room and walked into a bedroom. They were handed gloves first thing as they walked in. "I'm going to check the other rooms." David tells them, even though he just wanted to give them time alone, as he's been wanting the two together since they've met. Melinda walked to the blood splotch on the floor and knelt down to look at it closely. Aaron looked around the room, profiling whoever lived here and what could cause the murder. "Seems to be two days old." Melinda stated. Aaron looked over at her as she stood up and looked at him. He frowned and looked at the splotch wondering how she knows that. "How can you tell?" Aaron asks making Melinda gesture to the victim, "I'm no forensic expert, but I have seen how long blood dries for. This seems two, close to, three days." Aaron began to profile the whole process as she listened to him, because she doesn't know how to profile as well as him and his team, "So, he keeps them alive for five days and kills them on the sixth day, and then the body is found on the seventh day." The sound of a door opening outside, making Melinda shoot her head to the window. Aaron walked over to the window and looked out and he sighed and looked at her, "Brian is here." Melinda internally groaned knowing he was here, "Why?" Aaron shook his head and shrugged, "No idea. Let's get back to this. What's your theory about this?" Melinda raised her eyebrows at the question. Why was he asking her and not David? "My theory?" Melinda asks and Aaron looked at her, "Well, I want to hear what you think." Melinda looked at the blood in thought as Aaron stood there waiting for her response. She looked at him and began to explain her thinking. "I'm no profiler, so don't judge me if I get this wrong." Melinda tells him as he assured her, "You'll be fine." She then began to explain what she is thinking, "Maybe it's a role play kind of thing. He has them act like someone in his or her past, and if they mess up they get killed. That's probably wrong." Aaron raised his eyebrows at her and smiled which made her look at him confused. She didn't understand why he was looking at her like that. "What?" Melinda asks and Aaron smiled at her with his arms crossed, "You sure you're not secretly a profiler? That was actually really good." Melinda smile and shrugged her shoulders at the compliment. A knock on the door makes them look to see Brian leaning against the door. "How's it going in here?" Brian asks and Aaron looks at him seriously, "Fine. Why?" Melinda just crossed her arms, not really interested in the conversation anymore. She walked over to the pictures on the wall and saw something. "Just curious. Found anything?" Brian asks crossing his arms to seem intimidating to him but it didn't work. Aaron stepped closer to him, "We did." Melinda grabbed the picture and took it off the wall. When she took it off there was cardboard on the wall. She turned her head to Aaron, "Aaron!" He and Brian looked over and saw what she was looking at. They walked over to see what she was looking at and began to inspect it. "What could that be?" Brian asks and Aaron shrugged, looking at him, "Don't know. Got anything to get it out?" Melinda rolled her eyes and punched the cardboard multiple times until she could get whatever was inside out. The two men watched in surprise as she took out a box. "Or." Aaron gestured to Melinda as he took the box from her, as she shrugged, and opened it to see a note. It only had one letter on it, B. "What could that mean?" Melinda asks and Aaron looked at her with a shrug before asking her something, "Don't know, but these could be in all thirteen victims' homes. Mind doing that for me? Might gonna have to borrow a cop car." Melinda nodded her head and took the gloves off and Aaron took them from her to throw away. She was halfway out the door when Brian started talking, "Maybe I should go with you! You know, make sure you're safe?" Aaron did his best not to roll his eyes but failed. He couldn't handle dealing with this guy if he's gonna act like this. Melinda looked at him, before looking at Brian with a convincing fake smile. "I'll be fine." Melinda tells both of them before walked away, leaving the two men alone, David then walked into the room. He looked at Aaron waiting for what he and Melinda found out. "Find anything?" David asks and Aaron nodded, "Yeah. We'll tell the team when we get back." David nodded his head as Brian looked at the two men. He was desperate to find out more about Melinda. "So, is the woman single?" Brian asks making David do his best not to laugh, as Aaron shot him an unamused look on his face. He then raised his eyebrows at him confused on the question, "I'm sorry?" Brian shrugged his shoulders, "Well, she's a beautiful woman, don't you think? I could take her out for drinks." Aaron didn't like the way he was talking about her and didn't mean to snap but he did, "I think it would be wise if you don't talk about my co-worker when people are dying. Thank you." Aaron walked out of the room, with David falling close behind. David ran up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What happened in there?" David asks and Aaron shook his head as he for sure knew why he did it, "I didn't like the way he was talking about her like that." David wrapped his arm around his friend, "C'mon. We got to talk to the team."

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now