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I was born in a high ranked family, with my older sibling; Lilith. Noone wanted me to get rank one, especially not me. When I was 19 and I got my rank I was relieved to see that I was thankfully a rank two. My family didn't like that i was still a low rank but it was acceptable knowing that I wasn't gonna die when the new years came along.

The first thing I did when I got my rank was run to my best friend, rainby's house (pls don't question the name 😭) When she opened the door I showed her my hand and then she hugged me.

"See I have a rank now!" I exlamed "you'll get yours soon and be a rank um 3! Ya a rank 3 your way more powerful then me"

"I dunno I don't think that that but we will see" she said laughing.

We went inside and played video games till late...I think?...

Date: 25/12/xxxxx
noone really celebrates Christmas. Rank ones are panicked about death, rankless are worried about if they get their rank to late and getting rank one.

*Knock knock*

"Who can that be?" I muttered to myself as I went to my front door and saw rainby standing their shaking in fear.

"What's wrong?!" I exlamed hugging her

"I'm a rank one....I'm going to die...." She cried out.

I froze....'why is the afterlife so cruel'...... 'this can't be happening, she can't die'

I let go of the hug and stepped back

"We will train, and train and train we still have 6 days" I said staring right at her "I'm NOT letting you die! I promise you won't die!"

What a empty promise....

Date: 2/1/xxxx (Tw: talk about gore and bit of self harm ahead)

"Ranks....Ranks are the problem! I hate ranks!" I yelled broken..

'How could I have let her die....why did I let her die...I could have done something I SHOULD have done something....' I thought 'i need to get rid of ranks, but how I'm only a rank 2.... maybe of I...get rid of my own rank I can fix everything"

I ran to my kitchen and grabbed a knife...... I don't regret what I did next but only if their was a less painful way I could have done it.

Blood ran down my hands, a hole in my hands showing the skin, I had tried to cut the rank kinda worked it was blurry but was still there....

Date: 5/3/xxxx

My hand had mostly healed by then a scar still remains. The rank is still there just not as seeable, I'm glad it didn't show up somewhere else like how it dose for demons without arms or hands. Still...I can see it know what my rank is.... regardless of my rank I'll get stronger I won't pay attention to the color shown on the hand or how many lines look like to be there...I'll just live and get stronger.....

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