chapter 2

12 1 2

Akia pov:

After morning classes Haru and I started heading to lunch when we heard a crowd and fighting so I decided to stop the fight and found none other than zero beating up another rogue according to Haru. I ran through the crowd and snake my arms around his waist holding him back while haru dragged the other rogue out of the way so I could calm zero down. I started pulling him into an empty classroom while the crowd dispersed. When we entered the empty classroom he had calmed down a little so I decided to ask "what happened?"

Zero pov:

"Nothing happened that concerns you" I said and with that I left the classroom and went to the rooftop to eat lunch. When school is over I head over to my motorcycle and get on and with my heightened senses I hear Akia yell "leave my little brothers alone!" I decided to ride over on my motorcycle and what I saw was a group of rogues including the one I fought with trying to hurt twin boys so I used my blood manipulation power to put them in pain while I ran up and punched them. "You boys alright? They didn't hurt you did they?" I said looking behind me. "We're fine thanks" they said, then they both hugged me and ran over to Akia, their older brother. "Thanks for saving my brothers." Akia said, "No problem, see ya." I went back over to my motorcycle and road back home up the mountains and in the forest.

Akia pov:

On the way home I was thinking about how zero doesn't seem like your typical rouge. He seems to be kind and seems to not get along with other rouges. On the way home the twins wanted to get a part time job at the animal maid café I work at so I brought them with me and when we were changing I told them they could have their ears and tail out as long as they don't move so that people think they are fake. After work I asked them if they wanted to go to the forest and run around in half wolf form tomorrow since it's the weekend. They said, "Yes! We love being in the woods with our wolf ears and tail out."

Next Day

Zero pov:

I was glad it was the weekend because my rut starts in two days so my instincts will take over once night comes so I start prepping everything for when I lose my sense of reason. As night falls I can feel my ears and tail pop out and I start to growl as my teeth and claws extend sharply and my eyes start to flash red and when they fully turn red I lose all sense of reason. I tear into the food that was prepped and when I finish I start running through the woods and catch the scent of other werewolves so I run in that direction.

Akia pov:

When night falls we shift to our half forms and start running through the woods leaping and diving through the trees. The twins stop at the lake and play while catching fish while I keep running to the cliff side to get a clear look at the moon and its blue hue. I decide to howl a song at the moon while howling I hear a low growl from behind me. I look behind me and see zero... only he was a werewolf. I couldn't think for long because he jumped on me and bit my neck, his fangs going into my neck. Only it didn't hurt, it felt nice and it made my body heat up. When he stopped biting me he licked the bite, licking up the blood. Which seemed to calm him down and he fell asleep. I decided to carry him home. I yell for the twins and tell them that they can stay outside as long as they stay near the cave we found so I know where they are. I carry him into the cave and I lay him on the millions of fur blankets that the twins and I brought with us to spend the weekend in the woods. Though when I laid him down and went to check on the twins I felt zero's arms wrap around my waist and pull me next to him. I was surprised to say the least but it felt comfortable in his arms so I rolled around and snuggled into his chest and fell asleep. When I woke up the twins were lying asleep in the cave but zero was gone. So I got up and went to the cliff side near the cave and I saw zero sitting against a tree breathing heavily and eyes flashing red and in half wolf form. I on all fours and still in my half wolf form went toward him, which seemed to startle him so I slowed down but continued toward him. He seemed to be in distress so I crawled on to his lap straddling him and hugged his neck. Which seemed to calm him down because he buried his head in my neck, smelling my scent.

Zero pov:

I woke up in a cave with the akia and his twin siblings sleeping and akia was snuggling in my chest only they had wolf ears and tails. When I realized that mine were out too, I looked down and akia's scent was very strong which started to make me lose my senses again. So I ran out of the cave and rested against a tree on a cliff. Not long after I was startled by akia coming toward me I started to panic cause I didn't want to do anything to akia because of my rut. When he got to me he crawled on to my lap straddling me and hugged my neck. Which seemed to make me lose my senses but remain calm as I buried my head in his neck, smelling his scent. After some time we both had fallen asleep. By the end of the weekend akia let me stay at his house in his room since I was in a rut.

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