"Record for what" juice asked overhearing the group

"The least amount of coffee I've had in a day" Aurora explained

"And what's the most" Juice asked wondering who the mysterious blonde was

"14" Aurora shrugged

"Holy shit" Gemma let out a laugh

"I'm Juice by the way" he smiled at the pretty blonde

"Aurora" she smiled back

"Hey Gemma jax should be getting back soon" juice let her know

"Great" Aurora muttered sarcastically walking towards the bar.

"Hey you have to pay for that" some guy called out

"Shut up" Aurora replied grabbing the whiskey and a shot glass

"She drinks free" Gemma called out

The rumble of motorcycles soon approached

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The rumble of motorcycles soon approached

Sighing Aurora poured herself another shot and downed it reaching for the whiskey bottle again

"No more can't be drunk when op and your dad gets here" Bobby said placing a cup of coffee in front of Aurora

"Thanks I needed this" she smiled drinking the coffee.

Opie and the rest of the group walked in

"I'd know that blonde hair anywhere" Chibs called out

Sighing Aurora drank some of her coffee and turned around "ouch,hot"

"Rora" Opie called to his sister a big smile making its way over both there faces

"Hey op" Aurora smiled at her brother meeting him halfway for a hug

"How was college" Opie asked moving to sit beside his sister at the bar

"Good it was good" Aurora smiled at her father who was approaching his two children

"Well well well if it isn't my favourite daughter" Piney smiled giving his daughter a hug

"Hey dad" she hugged him back then sat down in between her dad and brother smiling at Bobby when her gave her another cup of coffee.

sighing when she heard more motorcycles pull in realising it was jax getting up and walking behind the bar with her cup in hand she drank half the cup of coffee before ducking down for the bottle of baileys and pouring it into the half empty coffe...

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sighing when she heard more motorcycles pull in realising it was jax getting up and walking behind the bar with her cup in hand she drank half the cup of coffee before ducking down for the bottle of baileys and pouring it into the half empty coffee cup

"Your gonna get drunk" Bobby laughed

"I've barely drank" Aurora shrugged

Everyone suddenly got quiet when the blonde haired biker walked in

Grumbling quietly Aurora chugged the rest of her coffee and poured herself another shot

"I take it your happy to see me" jax smirked walking towards the bar

Aurora didn't say anything just taking another shot

"You really gonna ignore me" Jax asked

Aurora said nothing but took another shot and pulled out her phone and sent a text to someone

A few seconds later she got a call and a smile took over here face

"Hey" she smiled

No one could hear what the other person but Aurora made eye contact with jax and smirked

"Yeah I'm not busy right now" she said her and jax having a stare off

"I would love to have lunch with you" she smirked say goodbye to whoever was on the other end

"Who was that" Opie questioned

"A certain deputy asked me to lunch" she shrugged looking from jax to her brother and back to jax smiling when she noticed his clenched jaw

"Well I better get going don't wanna late for ma date" Aurora laughed walking out of the club

"Well shit jax good luck with that one" Bobby laughed as they all watched Aurora drive off.

"Well shit jax good luck with that one" Bobby laughed as they all watched Aurora drive off

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