immediately after

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Regina's pov

What?! I have to kiss my crush soon! We have 1 day of december left! Ugh! I'm so so nervous! When? Where? Who will see? What time? Oo def midnight!

I hear a knock on the door.

Melvin- Regina? Can I come in?

Regina- Mhm.

Melvin walks in and sees me stressed.

Melvin- you ok?

Regina- mhm. Just nervous ab the whole kiss thing. Like.. ofc I want to.. but like.. when?

Melvin- I have an idea!..

Daniel's POV-

Ugh. I really wanna kiss her but I dont think she wants to! It's so dumb.. i-

Chad- Daniel? You ok in there?

Daniel- mhm. Just thinking out loud. Just.. I want to kiss Regina, but.. idk what it is but theres 1 thing holding me back..

Chad- oh ok.


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