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The grapes were finished. Though most of them were now scattered around the grass after Matty and I had a grape catching tournament.
Matty's head rested on my stomach, my hand in his hair as I'd imagined dozens of times. He hummed a tune I didn't recognise.
"I wrote a song about you, you know?" He said casually, like I was the smallest thing in the world.
"No way. Matty!" I sat up, knocking the wind out of him as his pillow (me) moved abruptly.
"What?" He smirked innocently.
"You know what" I pushed him playfully. I bit my lip as Matty edged towards me. "You wanna hear it?" He spoke so softly, parts of me awoke I didn't know existed.
"You know I do" I felt my cheeks flush, Matty's eyes didn't waver.
"I'll do you a deal" he began playfully "I'll sing for you if you play for me.."
I fell back and laughed weakly
"Yeah because that's gonna happen.."
We'd spent the majority of the afternoon just talking. Me, trying to be as 'honest and good' as I could. I definitely felt a lot more comfortable around him, not comfortable enough to play guitar for him though!
"why not?" He asked, without a tone of sarcasm. "Because I'm not very good, I only play for fun and for school stuff"
I tried to sound casual. Musical ability was not the type of thing to be discussing with Matty.
I did play at school, but only for a couple of Music assessments at GCSE. Even then i was so nervous I had to struggle to keep my hands still as I played.
"Oh at A level?" He asked.
"No only GCSE, couldn't hack A Level after that" I rolled my eyes at the memory.
"Oh I did it at GCSE! Got an A" he looked pleased with that, his young ness flooding back to his face all at once.
"Well I suppose the creative task were your forté!"
"Yeah, mine was sick!" Matty smiled.
It was wierd to think of Matty at school. He seemed so wrong for organised education and all it's rules and regulations.
"Did you play guitar in yours?" He asked, looking at me.
"Yeah, it was pretty simple though.. Didn't get an A unfortunately" I faked hurt and stretched out my arms.
The piece was really simple. I felt so out of place in that Music class. It was so classical and structured. I feared what my Teacher would think if I really did what I wanted. Something I regretted, now that I think of it.
Matty stood up and took my hand in his. "Let's go"
We'd been in the park for a couple of hours, Matty and I walked back to his car chatting about nothing in particular. He opened the door for me, and I smiled again and how he could catch me of guard with these simple gestures.
Matty blew out his breath as he sat in the car next to me.
"I don't want to take you home yet" he said matter of factly with a pout on his face. I smiled and moved the curls out his eyes. I leaned forward and felt his stumble under my fingertips. "Then don't" I muttered before pressing my lips to his again.
His hand became lost in my hair as he pulled me closer to him. I seem to lose my mind a lot when Matty's around.
Time seemed to slow as he kissed my neck. Coming to my senses, I kissed his lips quickly. "let's go then"
Matty knew I meant his flat. The place I thought I'd never return to. Matty held my hand whenever he could on the way to his.
Things were moving very fast, and I wasn't sure how I felt. I'd only spent a matter of hours with him. So why did I feel so comfortable? When usually I shy away from a boys attention.
Matty lead me up the stairs to his flat, the smile not leaving his lips.
When the door entered we were greeted by some loud electronic music.
'Well I guess I'm meeting the roommate' I noted as the door closed behind us.

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