"So you have a little sister, huh?" Wanda joked, causing Natasha to chuckle lightly.

"And you have two sons." Natasha joked back.

"Yeah." Wanda played with her hands.

"I remember a little of what I saw when I was dead, but not a lot. I just know I used to watch you and your family. And a fake version of your brother?" She asked, not believing the words coming out of her own mouth.

Wanda laughed. "Yeah that actually happened. One of Agatha's tricks."

"You know if I weren't dead, I would've helped you steal Vision's body back."

"I know." They smiled at each other, their faces full of understanding for one another.

Wanda twiddled her thumbs together, deep in thought. Her mind was still distracted from the conversation that went down in the quinjet; she still had a large amount of guilt over what happened between her and the Avengers.

"You know, when I came back... I looked for you. I knew that Vision was gone. You're my best friend and all I had left at that point. I searched the entire battlefield for you, even through the minds of others. " She looked up from her thumbs. "But I never found you... that was when I knew I had nothing left."

Natasha gave her a sad look. Words couldn't express how badly she felt for Wanda, how badly she wanted to take her pain away. And words couldn't express the guilt she felt knowing that she'd have to leave Wanda again.

They both gave each other caring looks; understanding for one another shining through.

The moment was cut short when both their phones started buzzing. They both sighed and went to check the message, each finding the same text from Steve: Meeting room NOW. 911. They exchanged confused looks and sprinted to the meeting room.

They burst through the door to see everyone in attendance but Yelena, Peter and Sam. They were all staring at the central screen in the middle of the room when Wanda and Natasha ran in; it was a live feed of all the security cameras in the tower, except they were all offline.

"What the hell is going on?" Natasha asked the entire room.

"There was a breach in the tower, someone hacked the doors of the vault and made their way inside." Tony rapidly explained with his eyes fixed on the monitor in front of him and his fingers furiously typing on his keyboard.

"We're trying to get the cameras in the vault to reboot right now to see who made it past our security systems." Bruce added while trying to help Tony reactivate the systems.

The entire team was tense, they knew whoever was skilled enough to get past the state-of-the-art security systems Tony programmed must've been a real threat to them.

"Hah! Gotcha!" Tony shouted victoriously. "Okay the feed should be coming back on in 3, 2, 1..." He was immediately silenced by what he saw on the screen: it was Sam, Yelena and Peter all in full gear, breaking into the vault.

Natasha didn't believe what she was seeing. Yelena was mad about the whole situation, but she knew her sister better than to believe that she'd betray them. And even if she did there was no way she managed to convince Peter to betray Tony. There had to be a logical explanation.

"Tony, what the hell are they trying to do in there?" Steve asked in disbelief. Everyone was shocked by what they were seeing; there was no way they were being betrayed by their own team.

"That's where the main power breaker is... they can shut down the power to the whole building in there." Tony answered with dread.

A string of silent curses was heard through the room. Yelena, Peter and Sam were surveying the vault when Peter's Spidey Sense warned him of the eyes watching him from the cameras. He lifted his head up and stared at one of the security cameras on the wall; his face was empty, emotionless like a robot, but his eyes were glowing yellow.

Next Target: Clint BartonWhere stories live. Discover now