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   *Two days later*

         Why won't he talk to me? I want to know his real feelings. A couple days ago he said something that sounded off. I didnt realize at the time... But I see it now... Dammit Kaoru! Please be okay... I... I love you. But I can't show it. Not right now. You need a good friend. Not someone who is trying to get with you. I need you to trust me. And to do that your need to realize I won't hurt you, but how can I show you that?

         I opened the restaurant a little while and my first customer of the day walked in, interrupting my thoughts.

"What can I get you today Ma'am?"

       I notice she isn't one of my regulars. Which means she's gonna comment on my looks. I don't think I've seen her around.

"You're really cute. What would you recommend?"

"Thank you! And I could surprise you if you want?"

"Mmh... Sure! Go ahead and make whatever you want hot stuff."

        It amazes me how people can be so bold. If I said that to Kaoru he'd kill me.
        I start to make her food and I can feel her eyes stare at me. I can tell that she notices everything I do, and as watching every muscle in my body.
         I finally finish making my favorite dish to make and hand it to her.

"Anything else I can get you?"

"Yeah~" She says as she looks me up and down.

"Which is?" I play dumb not wanting to do this today.


      She says as she starts to trail her hand down my chest. And as soon as she does so I see Kaoru walk in and just stare at us.

"Ma'am. Please don't touch me." I step back out of her reach.
"Try anything else and I'll have to ask you to leave. Now."
I turn my attention towards Kaoru.
"Are you just stopping by to hangout or are you hungry?"

     I can see a look of relief on his face. I wonder why tho? He never cared if I flirted with girls before. What is so different now?

"Just came to read. Can I sit in the corner like I used to do?" He says in a soft tone.

Then the girl ruins the moment.

"So is there something going on between you two? Cuz its sure seems like it." She pouts, and I can feel my face heat up.

"No. He's just a good friend, but its really none of your business."

She scoffs and goes back to eating her food, and Kaoru goes to the corner in silence.

*Cherry's pov*
*later at Cherry's house*

        I can't believe he sent me home with free food. That girl earlier. When she asked if something was going on between me and Kojiro... My face felt hit and my palms got sweaty. What was that?


"Yes sir?"

"What does it mean when you're face feels hot and you're heart starts to race and you're palms got really sweaty?"

"Dopamine, phenethylamine and oxytocin are released into the bloodstream and pumped throughout the body by your heart. These chemicals ensure your senses are alert, and encourage bonding and attachment. As you get ph-"

"Please make it short Carla."

"You're in love."

      No way. I don't like Kojiro. That's not what love feels like. Right?

"Carla. What does love feels like?"

"People who are in love generally feel a powerful sense of empathy toward their beloved, feeling the other person's pain as their own and being willing to sacrifice anything for the other person."

                  That can't be right.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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