We Make Up

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"Kojiro... I just... Mmph... F-Fine... As long as h-he won't be anywhere near us for a while..."

"Deal. So does that mean you don't want to go to S?"

"W-We can but if he's there I'm leaving."

"Okay okay, let's stay here tonight tho, okay?"

"Sounds good... I-I'm sleepy anyways..."

*Cherry's pov*

He's lying to get close to me. Adam said no one could love me. I hate everything. No one could ever love me... You're foolish Joe. Why do you care for me? Or maybe... You're just pretending so you can get close to me and hurt me... Yeah that's it... He just wants to hurt me... No one could ever love poor, pathetic, useless me. What am I even here for!? To be used and passed onto the next person. Maybe I should just leave this world... I miss Adam... No don't think like that!! I don't need him... I don't need anyone...

"Ko... You won't leave me right...?"

"Of course not Kaoru. I'll always be here for you."


"Thanks Ko..." I sigh softly making sure he can't hear. "I'm gonna go lay down... You probably have stuff to do. I'll be in your room."

"No I can follow you. I've already cleaned up Kaoru."

"If you say so..."

*Time skip to in Joe's room*
*Joe's PoV*

Kaoru doesn't sound right. I know he just went through something horrible, but it's like something else is off. I don't know how to explain it. I want to prove I'm here for him, but it doesn't seem like he believes it... Please Kaoru... I'll always be here for you... I love you... But... You'll never love me. I have to stick to flirting with the girls... Its the only way to get him out of my mind. Im... Im not gay. I don't like him like that.

"Ko...?" I can hear Kaoru softly call out to me but I don't respond because I'm too caught up in my own thoughts.

"Ko...?" He gets a little louder snapping me back to reality.


"You'll... Stay with me right...? You're not gonna leave...? You.. Won't use me...?" He states letting out his true feelings. I wrap my arms around him to comfort him.

"I'd never use you. Anyone who does or did is a piece of shit. You don't deserve someone like that. You're perfect."

"If you say so..."

He's holding back again. Dammit Kaoru. Please let me know how you're feeling.

Sorry for the long wait. Here's a small chapter for a little update. I'll give something bigger in a few days hopefully.

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