"So is he your boyfriend or something?" he asked her, trying to discrete. Coming out of nowhere Steve runs past all three of them yelling. "On your left"

"You gotta be kidding me with this guy "

Speeding up his pace Sam ran in front of both of them. Loki sent y/n a look and she nodded her head both of them taking off into full sprint running ahead of Sam and Steve, as she ran she could feel her heart beating the vibrations of her feet hitting the ground. 

The team went in a full sprint to catch up to them but couldn't get in front of them. Stark stopped running and just started walking while everyone else was ahead of him. Pushing herself more she ran faster, and soon began to slow down when she saw where they stared at the front door. When she came to a full stop she lay on the ground while everyone else caught up.

"What the-I uh never mind," Sam said not saying real words. Everyone out of breath just stayed there quietly. Y/n got up off the ground and brushed herself off now that her breathing was finally regulated. Stark walked up to the team, not out of breath mainly because he walked.

"Well that was it for training we can all go inside now" with that everyone began walking towards the building y/n could feel extra vibrations that weren't there before. When the doors aromatically opened they were met with people talking over each other. 

Y/n quickly moved and hid behind Loki. Steve and Tony stepped in front of the team as the people began bombarding them with questions.

"What are you doing right now"

"Will Loki be joining the team"

 "are you all coming back from a mission"

 "and who is the girl that ran behind Loki we didn't see her face do you think we could get a photo" with those questions asked there cameras began going off?

"One THEY are my intern and No you may not have a photo. Two, what are you doing here, and three. You have five seconds to leave willingly before I call security" Tony responded

 "And NO photos on your way out" Steve added.

As they begin gathering their stuff the team moves out of the way so they can walk out Loki turns around to face y/n who was hiding behind him. The team moved to shield the two from the people that were leaving. Loki summoned a green hoodie and handed it to her.

She smiled and quickly put it on, placing the hood over her head.

Steve stepped forward making sure all of them were out. The team begins walking into the building. Y/n walked beside Loki, when she walked in something caught her eye.

 It was a teenage boy in the corner of the room, slightly frightened but looking her age. When the boy saw Tony he ran his hand through his hair nervously, he walked over to Tony and tapped his shoulder.

While the rest of the team began walking to the private elevator Tony walked the boy to the elevator with the team.

"What are you doing here kid"

 " I have a question for you" as everyone gathered in the elevator y/n moved close to Loki. She was getting weird vibes from the kid Tony so trustingly let into the tower's private elevator. Loki noticed what she did and placed an arm around her waist protectively.

 Tony, Bruce, and the kid got off on the floor that lead to their lab, which is pretty high up. While Sam and Clint went to the common room, Natasha got off on Steve's floor with Steve and Thor got off on his floor. Which just left y/n and Loki.

Loki looked down noticing he was still holding on to her and let her go, taking a step away. "My apology," he told her. She looked at him smiling, there wasn't anything planned today. Lunch was soon so there were about two hours to spare.

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