Chapter 7

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"You, okay?" Gordon asked as he came over.

"Yeah, just thinking, nervous, I mean it's my first game," Allie admitted, although that was not what she was thinking about.

"Let's do an icebreaker, to calm your nerves." Gordon suggested. Allie couldn't help but laugh, as she remembered their first 'conversation', "I'll start, fact about me, my favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate. Your turn."

"Okay, fact about me, my favorite color is blue." Allie said as she smiled. Before she knew it, it was time to start the game. The kids huddled in as Gordon gave them a pep talk. Allie was kind of just taking everything in.

"Got anything to say Allie?" Gordon asked her.

"Just have fun."

"Quack, quack, quack," Gordon started. Then Allie joined in, "Quack, quack, quack," Then the whole team joined in, "Quack, quack, quack," The other team look at the Ducks like they were crazy, "Go Ducks!" and with that they broke away to play.


There was nine minutes left of the first quarter. They were losing by two, but that didn't stop them.

"Defense Ducks defense," Gordon yelled at the Ducks on the ice, "Come on get it out of there," The next thing you know Connie got the puck passed it to Averman who passed it to Guy, who passed it to Jesse. Once he got it Jesse swung and scored the team's first goal. Everyone cheered.

"Way to go Jesse!" Allie yelled. The next thing she knew she was being engulfed into a hug by the one and only Gordon Bombay.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"Don't be," Allie told him, "We scored, we scored a goal!"

The game continued; the Cardinals were going in for a goal.

"Come on Karp defense!" Allie yelled to him. One of the players took a shot and hit Karp right in the head. Allie gasped. Gordon and Allie both walked out onto the ice to see if the kid was ok.

"I don't want to go to school mom," Karp said.

"Karp how many fingers am I holding up?" Gordon asked holding up four fingers.

"He wouldn't know that anyway," Peter retorted.

"Shut up Peter," Gordon told him seriously.

"Look at this," Guy said handing Karp's helmet to his coach.

"The Karp-ster using his head to stop the puck," Averman started, "Mr. Karp-a-lanee."

"Averman," Allie said as she held up her hand to indicate him to stop, "Please be quiet."

"Come on let's get you off the ice," Gordon said as he helped Karp up, "Charlie help him on the bench." He looked at the clock and then at Allie. She nodded her head and gave him a small smile.

"Okay Ducks we still got a chance. Connie, Terry, Jesse, Guy, time for the secret weapon," The four kids nodded their head. Gordon walked over to Fulton and said, "Okay Fulton. Just liked we talked about." Fulton nodded and got ready. He walked by Allie and gave her a scared look. Allie just winked at him to indicate that is going to be okay.

The Ducks got the face off. Terry passed it to Fulton. Fulton got ready to shoot, and in a blink of an eye you could see all the players on the Cardinals get scared and started skating in different directions. With that Connie came up behind Fulton and grabbed the puck from him she then passed it to Guy. He took the puck to the goal and scored. Everyone started cheering, well except for the other team. Gordon and Allie high-fived each other, but they didn't let go of each other's hands. Then the kids on the bench engulfed them into a big hug. For the first time in forever the Ducks had tied in a game. Allie was then ripped apart from Gordon by Charlie.

"We did it Allie, we did it!" Charlie exclaimed as he hugged her.

"You sure did Char." Allie said returning the hug. As she was hugging Charlie she looked back at Gordon. He looked back at her, they locked eyes. Allie smiled at him, and he gave her a wink.

"Thank you," he mouthed. She gave him a small smile and a head nod in return. Allie then thought to herself about what happened right before today's game, and she decided. She was going to ask him.

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