Chapter 2

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         As Allie and Adrian were finishing up their dinner and the videos the phone started to ring. Allie got up and walked over to pick the phone up.

       "Hello?" Allie said, "Oh, hey Charlie."

       "Do you have a minute?" Charlie asked Allie.

       "Yeah kid, shoot," Charlie told Allie everything that had happened at hockey that day. About how they got a new coach, and how terrible he was to them. Allie wasn't sure how to respond to the poor kid.

      "Sorry Charlie, he sounds like a total jerk." Allie told the kid.

      "You coming to the game?" Charlie asked Allie, with a hit of hopefulness in his voice.

      "Of course, Charlie, wouldn't miss it," Even if you didn't know what those two were talking about, you could hear the smile in her voice. Allie loved this kid as if he were her own.

      The next day Allie woke up early and started to make breakfast for Adrian before she had to leave. She got dressed and headed out. When she got to the rink, she spotted Casey and went to sit with her. She smiled at Casey and started to watch the game. Long story short, they were getting their butts kicked. Allie couldn't watch. Suddenly, she heard yelling, she saw the coach Charlie had mention giving the kids a hard time.

      "What's the coaches name?" Allie asked Casey.

     "He said his name's Gordon Bombay," Casey replied. Allie just nodded her head. Then before she knew it the game was over. She told Casey she would be right back, she just had to talk to an old friend quick. Hans.

     "We'll if it isn't little miss Hathaway," Hans said as he gave her a hug. Allie smiled and returned that hug.

     "Hi Hans," Allie said as she returned the hug, "It's so good to see you."

     "How are you doing?" Hans asked her.

     "I'm okay," She responded.

     "Well, I have to go, it was very lovely to see you," They went their separate ways, and Allie went to go see Charlie. By the time she went back to where Casey was, they were gone. She didn't see Casey or Charlie anywhere. So, Allie went to ask around, she asked his teammates and their parents. Apparently, they left, and He was a little bummed about the game. Allie knew she would see them later, so she wasn't very worried. Allie decided to just take a stroll around town. The next week Allie got a call, and her clients canceled the lesson, so Allie called Casey. However, Casey told Allie to just take a break, so she did, she spent the day just relaxing.

       That night Allie decided to go to Hans just clear her mind. She walked to his sports shop and went through the back door because she knew it would be opened. She knocked on the door frame.

      "Is it too late or can I come in?" Allie asked.

     "Yes Lil' Mark, come in," Hans responded with a smile. Allie just shook her head.

     "Always must use that nickname, huh?" Allie retorted with a smile. Hans just laughed.

     "So," Hans started, "What do you need?"

     "Oh, I just needed to clear my mind, and..."

     "Don't worry, I get it," Hans interrupted. Allie just nodded. Hans handed her a pair of skates; she knew exactly what to do. She started to sharpen the skates. After a half an hour Hans took Allie to the front and he had her clean up a bit. After an hour Allie heard footsteps. She saw Hans and another guy walk in. Allie saw they were talking about something important, so she tried not to listen in, but her curiosity got the best of her. No wonder this guy was so hard on the kids, this guy was hard on himself.  Allie decided to just go into the back and not disturb them. After a few minutes they came back into the back room and the coach thanked Hans and started to leave.

      "Hans," Allie started, "I'm going to head out, but thank you for letting me clear my head," with that Hans gave her a little head nod, and with that she left. She walked out of the store and tried to find Charlie's coach. Thankfully he was not that far away.

     "Hey!" Allie yelled out to him. He turned around with a confused look on his face, "Look I'm sorry to bother you, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Hans, um," Allie was nervous. She didn't know how to go about asking this question.

    "Listen, can we hurry this up," He stated.

    "Okay, I'm Allison Hathaway, I know Charlie. I was wondering if you might need help with coaching, I mean I'm a skating instructor and I work with kids, so I thought if you need to do this coaching thing, you might want some help. I mean I watched these kids grow up. I completely understand if you want me to just leave, and forget this conversation ever happened," Allie finally completed her speech and just stood there watching him think.

    "Yeah, that would be great actually, and my names Gordon by the way," He answered. Allie smiled at him, and they went their separate ways. Allie didn't know why she got that sudden to rush to help coach. Maybe it was because the only family she taught skating to just decided to discontinue their lessons, or maybe it was because she wanted something to do with hockey again. She just smiled to herself and walked home.

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