Meeting My Friends (Part 1)

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Hi everyone, sorry for not updating in almost 2 months! It's been so long and I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting till now. I've had a lot going on recently with school and some other things. I planned to update a few weeks ago but ended up relapsing at 3am after almost 4 years clean after coming out drunk to my friend. It has been a hard few weeks but I hope to update more soon. Thank you all for baring with me and I hope you like the next chapter. Remember to drink, eat and stay healthy (you deserve it loves)! I'm here for you all! Love, Soph X

Also, sorry it's sad and its Christmas oopsie :) x


We all ate our food and watched movies all evening. Edith fell asleep sitting in y/n's lap and the boys went back upstairs to play XBOX. Andrew went up to bed early and I spoke to y/n about how we had to flight out to America tomorrow. She was excited to meet my friends but she did tell me how she hated flighting. Y/n, Edith and I were flighting out first then once the boys had finished there last week of school before the holiday's Andrew was going to flight across with them. With all bags packed I took the girls upstairs, tucked in Edith and then Y/n and made sure we were ready to flight tomorrow. I stroked y/n's hair until she began to sleep then I left the room, leaving the door open for light and wandered to my room putting on my pyjamas and getting into bed, setting my alarm for 5am!


Cate POV

It was 5am when my alarm went off so I got showered and dressed and made breakfast for the girls, letting them sleep for as long as they could, then I went to wake them up. First, I went to wake y/n up who was sound asleep, huddled in a ball under all of her covers. Then I went to wake Edith up who was half hanging out of her bed with messy hair strung across her pillow. When both girls were awake, we went downstairs and ate breakfast. Then y/n went upstairs to shower and I took Edith to get dressed.


Cate woke me up this morning, I must have slept all through the night, no nightmares or anything which was strange for me but I guess I felt safe in my new home. I ate my breakfast, also weird for me to do but I did it anyway and went to the shower then got changed into comfy clothes for our flight. I have to admit I was really nervous for the flight. I hate flighting and I don't want to scare Cate by panicking. I grabbed my suitcase and back pack taking them both downstairs to the door where Cate stood with Edith, already asleep in her arms. She handed me my lanyard and told me if I needed her at any point just to tell her or squeeze her hand. I agreed and we left, packing the car with out luggage.

Driving to the airport I could hear Edith's soft snores from the back of the car. It was now only 6am and we had a flight to catch in an hour. As I saw the airport, I began to feel even more anxious than before as reality hit me. We got out of the car, Edith woke up and Cate put on her backpack. We grabbed our suitcases and made it to the terminal.

Cate POV

As we were walking through the airport, I could see y/n becoming increasingly vigilant. She kept looking around at all the people so I decided to step in.

Cate: "Hey sweetie, I can see your getting anxious, how about you put in your Airpod's to drown out the noise and hold my hand like Edith so you can feel closer."

Y/n nodded and put in her Airpod's and held onto my hand tightly as we made it to security.

As we got to security, I realised this was going to be harder than I expected. Getting two girls through security, one who's tired and the other who's anxious and to make matters worse the security guards didn't make it easier, not understanding how to handle y/n who at this point could barely form a sentence.


We got to security and I was terrified. I had to let go of Cates hand so we could go through separately. Cate first, then Edith and then me. They made me take out my Airpod's so I could hear how loud everything was again and I felt my chest become tight as one of them kept telling me what to do and asking me questions. I couldn't answer, I couldn't get my words out, they were all in a jumble and Cate was trying to help them understand but they wouldn't listen to her. Eventually a manager came through to help out and solved the situation letting me through the metal detector and giving me my Airpod's back apologising for the problems.

Finally, we reached the plane and we began to board first as the manager allowed us to avoid any added stress for me. We got to our seats, first class which was good, allowing me some extra room to breathe, not being stuck around loads of other people and the plane began to take off so we fastened our belts and soon we could unbuckle them. I managed to sleep the majority of the flight as I held Cate's hand as I slept. She was so comforting, unlike anyone else. Eventually we made it to LA where we met up with Sarah who was picking us up from the airport.

Cate POV

Edith was now awake and so was y/n we were just descending and I noticed a worried look on y/ns face so I rubbed her arms to calm her down. She calmed down as we hit the runway and began to get off the plane. Once we made it through the airport, I could see Sarah waiting for us in her car so we made our way across to her.

Cate: "Hi Sarah, this is y/n and you've already met Edith."

Sarah: "Hi y/n, hi Edith."

Y/n stayed quiet but offered a smile and Edith hugged Sarah. We got into the car and began driving back to Sarah's place where Sandy and her kids were with Holland waiting to meet y/n and have dinner with us.

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