Take Me Home

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Cate POV

I had finally woken up, thanks to Edith jumping on the bed, and today was the day I would be visiting y/n to discuss adoption with her. I was so nervous that I couldn't stay in bed any longer, that and Edith was awake and needing her breakfast.

Edith: "Mummy can we have breakfast now? Please I'm hungry."

Cate: "Okay come on then but shh let daddy sleep he seems tired." I decided to see if any of the boys wanted breakfast. Roman was fast asleep and didn't hear, Iggy just grunted and went under his covers and Dash actually got up because Edith wouldn't stop pestering him.

We walked down to the kitchen and I made Edith some cereal and Dash and I some toast.

Edith: "Mummy are you bringing sissy home today?"

Cate: "I'm not sure Edith, only if she wants to come home."

Edith: "She will mummy, I pinkie promise." She said extending out her little finger interlocking it with mine.

We sat for a while more eating. After, I decided to shower and get ready for the day. Dash stayed downstairs with Edith watching cartoons with her. I put on an outfit and did my hair and makeup for the day then went to get Edith dressed too. By this time everyone else was awake and Andrew was sorting them out ready for y/n to hopefully come home. I picked up my keys and said "bye" to everyone then left.

Cate: "Bye guys!"

Andrew: "By darling, drive safe."

Edith: "By mummy."

Boys: "By mum see you later."

I got into the car and began driving out of the countryside into the city where y/n lived. I got there eventually after horrendous traffic and eventually pulled up outside the house. I went inside to the reception area and a girl from the staff team went to get y/n.


I was just going through the motions of my morning routine as usual. I got up rolling out of bed as it was Saturday and went to the shower. I made 4 new lines across my wrist then got out after washing myself. I cleaned up the cuts stopping the bleeding. I put on my outfit for today and then did my hair and makeup. I felt like being a little bit cute today so I curled my hair and applied natural makeup. I chose my jumpsuit and vans today then went downstairs covered in a cardigan as I can't risk being caught out. Just before I could make it down the stairs one of the staff members came to get me saying I had a visitor. I wasn't sure who it could be but I went downstairs to the office where they were waiting for me. I could see a lady with blonde hair but I didn't know who it was as I could only see the back of her.

Cate POV

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Cate POV

I was talking with one of the care workers whilst the other had gone to get y/n. Eventually, she came into the office with her head down not looking at me until I spoke.

Cate: "Hello y/n its nice to see you again."

She looked up shocked and saw me.

Y/n: "Erm hi Mrs Blanchett. What are you doing here?" She began playing with her fingers, clearly a nervous habit of hers.

Cate: "Call me Cate darling. Well, I don't mean to spring this upon you but I have been thinking of adopting again for a while after I adopted my little girl Edith and when I met you it made me serious about adoption. So, I guess I would like to ask you...would you like me to adopt you?"

She started crying and shaking.

Y/n: "Yes please I would love that! Thank you! OMG I can't believe I'm crying."

Cate: "Shhh calm down a little it's a happy day darling, a happy day. Can I sign the papers now? So, you can come home with me straight away and meet your family?

Staff: "Yes I will go and get the paperwork now."

She got up and left then came back with the paper work.

Staff: "Here you go. If you just sign here, here, here and here and then if y/n signs here and here you are all done and can pack your things to leave."

Whilst y/n was packing the member of staff told me about her history and how she had been abused by her family and some men during her life. She also told me that y/n struggled with her eating and that there was a question over whether she may or may have hurt herself in the past. I knew that I had to help y/n with this and get her on track for a better life.

I signed all of the paperwork and so did y/n she then ran upstairs grabbing her bags which didn't take long as she didn't have much. I helped her to the car and put everything in the boot allowing her to take one final look at that ghastly place. She hopped in the car and her stomach rumbled.

Cate: "Hey when did you last eat?"

Y/n: "Hmm maybe like yesterday or the day before."

Cate: "Honey I need you to eat something for me okay no matter how small. How about we go to Starbuck and pick up a sandwich and a drink for you. I'll eat half of it and you try to eat as much of the other half as you can. Does that sound okay?"

Y/n: "Yeah I guess."

We finally arrived at Starbucks and ordered a sandwich and drinks for us both. Y/n managed to eat half of the sandwich and drink her drink which I'm happy about. We then got back in the car and drove through the country lanes to our house. When we finally arrived, we got out of the car approaching the front door.

Cate: "Are you ready to meet your new family y/n?"

Y/n: "Yes, I think so." She seemed nervous but I guess that was only normal.

I put the key in the lock, unlocking the door inviting her inside. "Guys were home!"

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