The Dance & Worries

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Days past until the dance. In my opinion, i thought i looked nice. I had gotten negitivity from dul ever since I told her about... ": him " she says its a prank, that no boy would like me that way... and much much more. Why was she doing this?

I dont know.

I have never had a boyfriend, i always wondered what it was like not to be a loser. Since knowing me, im a loser.

Hours later it came to the dance. Stacy came up to me and asked,

" Have you seen Mitchell? " Stacy asked curiously

Stacy was always curious about the gossip at school. If you heard a rumor and wanted to know more, just ask stacy.

"Why would i know?" i answered.

" He denied going with every girl who asked him to the dance... even sydney. " stacy said.

If you dont know why sydney is.. or as we call her.. kricken. She is mitchells " girlfriend"

I kinda imagine sydney forcing mitchell to date her, but you never know.

" Well good luck, stacy!"   I said walking away.

I kinda stood around awkwardly day dreaming again. I was so exited to see who "he" was !!!

It felt like more than one hour to ten hours i have been waiting for 9 to strike. But it was just an hour. As soon as it was 9 i rushed to the middle of the dance floor.

" He " was standing there.

"He" was standing there with a mask covering most of his face.

"He" grabed me and hugged me so tight. It was like a teddy bear. He smelled like roses. He asked me,

"Shal i have this dance?" His soothing voice make me loose control. I loved it so much.

" Yes " I said as he pulled me so close we where less than an inch away from eachothers faces. We danced for a while until the clock struck 10 and the slow dance stopped.

We seamed to be so happy that we had not said anything to eachother except little giggles.

" Wanna go outside and talk ?" he asked softly whispering into my ear.

I agreed and we went outside where no one was there to be seen.

" Who are you?" I asked right away.

" I cant tell you. " He answerd

" Why " i responded.

" Because you will be disapointed if you know who i am."

To hear that made me almost want to cry inside. I bursted out,

" Everytime I think about you it makes me fall if love with you even more because even though I dont know who you are or even what you look like you are so perfect i cant take it and i dont even know if it is possible to love someone so much but it is because i love you so much that it is not possible so many people deny me and think that you are fake but here you are thinking you are a disapointment when really you are a miracle."

Right when i finished my long sentance

It happened

He pulled me in and met hsi lips with mine.

"You have no idea how much i have waited to do that"

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