Midnight calls

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The school day ended and I headed home. So many thoughts popped up in my head .

" It has to be a prank. , no one would fall for a looser . "

" Mabye it is someone who really likes me ... "

" It can't. You are a looser. "
I waited to see if I would get another text from the anonymous character, as I have not texted them back.

Then it happened.

My phone rang.

I sprinted up to see an unknown number calling .

" Hello ? " I said .

A sweet voice suddenly I could hear. It was such a soothing voice.

" Did I wake you , love ? " said " him "

" No,
You have not disturbed me. I just keep wondering who you are. "

" Love , don't lay awake at night thinking about me . I am least of your worries ."

" Why are you calling me and texting me , who are you ? " I said a little louder .

" Beautiful , don't worry about me. "
All of a sudden a soothing piano noise coming through the phone with light singing started . Such as it sounded as a bedtime song.

It was so soothing I fell asleep .
Who was this lad? I still wander.

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