I waited, you came | MarkHyuck

Start from the beginning

He's been crying, he states the obvious to himself as he sees the scene escalate right in front of him. At this point the two are yelling to each other with no care of their surroundings; pedestrians finally losing interest and seeing it as more of a bother as they go back to minding their own business.

Mark contemplates a bit more before taking a step back, remembering he too has someone waiting, and finally being the last one to leave them be.

He definitely feels guilty and knows this feeling will continue on for a while, but the two, to him, are nothing but strangers who, on top of that, weren't paying attention to him when he tried to help. Donghyuck, on the other hand, is still waiting for him. To Mark, disappointing someone close to him is worse than leaving a stranger who swore right at his face when he tried to help.

Now that he thinks about it, no matter what day of the year it is, there will always be someone experiencing the best day of their life while the other goes through their worst. It's just the way life is in general. No one but the one who created it can change that.

Something cold falls on his nose and then melts, taking with it his thoughts. He can't help but look up and fall into a trance while observing how the sky, a white foggy canvas, lets its beauty drop bit by bit. Few minutes pass in that state and he only comes back to reality when his cheeks are too numb to feel. Curses leave his lips and he's so grateful that where he currently is, there are not many people seeing him being a lunatic.

I keep on dozing off.

Shaking his head, Mark picks up his pace and makes his way to the communal park he parked in front of, hoping hard the coffee in his hand hasn't gone cold yet. Once the car is in his view, he lets himself slow down into a walk, wanting to regain his breath. His wish is granted but at what cost when his breath is taken away again as he looks inside the car and no one is there.

"Am I too late?" He mumbles to himself, upset, as such wouldn't be the first time. There was once Donghyuck got sick of waiting for him, after work hours when he promised him a ride, that he hailed himself a taxi and left with only a text explaining his actions.

Mark, still having slight hope, looks around a bit more and even goes as far as to taking a walk around the park, ignoring everyone else and searching for the mop of wavy brown curls he so much learned to love. He'll say, it was definitely a surprise the day Donghyuck came with the said hair in the office, surprising every colleague of his and his very own boss, him. And it was also the very first time Mark witnessed the younger blushing when he had complimented him after work hours had ended, ready to go have the dinner he won after lots and lots of persuading from both himself and a colleague, mutual friend of theirs, he had dragged in the plan. This person being namely known as the HR department's head, Lee Jeno. Some can get as ambitious as Donghyuck and call him the 'strict angel', a nickname given by the aforementioned when he accidentally got drunk at a company dinner. Correction: the only time he got drunk at a company dinner.

Mark is about to make a mental note to remind himself that he hasn't treated Jeno out yet for all of his effort but those thoughts are all lost when his eyes land on the very person he was searching.

His heart warms up at the scene unfolding in front of him.

Donghyuck brings his scarf up for warmth as his eyes are stuck on the sky that shared its beauty. He extends one hand, wiggling his fingers as the snow drops make contact and Mark, although still far, already knows how those giggles sound when he sees him do so.

As much as he would love to stare at the other giggling forever, the coffee in his hand isn't up for the same faith. With a sigh, he starts walking towards the other. It doesn't take long for the younger to notice him coming as he is the only other person on this side of the park, since everyone knows that no matter how pretty the lake is, it comes with a cost, it being a colder area. Donghyuck, as much as he hated winter, loves the view of water being at its mercy and crystalizing. Someone would view that as sadistic but Mark gives no care when he sees the other's eyes reflecting the sparkles in pure happiness and joy.

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