...Aunt May died in Ironman 2

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"pete" he whispers back, "i love you kid."

"i love you dad" a tear streams down my face as i continue to shake mums shoulder, she just nods her head, not taking her eye off the tv.

"tell pep, tell your mum that i love her" i nod as if he can see me as more tears run down my cheeks. the line disconnects and i hesitantly lower the phone, slumping back into the seat next to mum just in time to see the final glimps of dad as he flies into the worm hole.


i stumble up to my room, slamming the door behind me. i feel ill, very very ill. i flop down onto my bed, missing completely and landing heavily on the floor.

"Pete? You okay?" i hear dad shout and wince at the loud noise.

all i can do is groan as i pull my blanket from my bed and pass out on the floor.


i wake up with my head throbbing, it feels like someone is repeatedly hitting me over the head with mjolnir. i squint at the bright lights and squirm at the itchiness of my once comfortable clothes.

i drag myself up off the floor, turning to look in the mirror. i almost faint seeing the abs and my newly toned body. i stumble backwards and grab onto my drawers to steady myself. as i go to stand up straight i realise i cant pull my hand off of the top. i pull and pull until finally i stumble backwards, landing on my bed.

i stand up, ignoring the fact that my blankets are sticking to me and make my way to the bathroom. i open the door and as i go to step into my ensuite, i easily pull the door off its hinges.

"Dad? DAD!" i shout, shaking my hand around, attempting to remove the door and blankets which are still stuck to my hand and arms.

"Pete! are you okay?" he comes rushing in, a worried look plastered across his face.

i slowly turn around, tears beginning to form in my eyes and lift up my sticky hands in frustration. "what's happening" i whisper.

"kid come here" he rushes towards me, going to hug me but i flinch away.

"i dont want to hurt you" i whisper ashamed.

he looks at me sadly "lets go down to our lab kid. we can figure this out"

i nod and follow him down to our lab, managing to leave the door in my room and the blankets dropping off in the hallway somewhere.

when we reach the lab dad sits down and i take the seat opposite him. "so do you know how this happened kid?" he asks kindly.

i explain everything about the school trip, the spider bite and feeling ill last night as he just nods comfortingly.

"i read about that specific spider. it bonds with human dna. they havent got to human testing yet and theyve decided to scrap the project because all of the tests came back with no answer. clearly kid, your dna was the answer. my guess is that you've inherited some of the spiders survival traits. like a sort of super power. if you want we can learn about them together and how to control them?"

i nod and smile at my dad. im so lucky.


im so mad steve and the rest if the rogues are coming back to live in the tower today. i swear if they try anything, especially steve, ill punch them in their annoyingly perfect faces. they hurt my dad, and if you hurt my dad, you hurt me.

however, theyre not coming until 1pm, so i have some time to kill beforehand. i get out of bed and look at the time, 11:47. i sigh and jump out of bed, hopping in the shower.

its been a year since i got my powers and im pretty good at controlling them now.

once im done in the shower, i dry off my hair with my towel and throw on a science pun t-shirt, a grey zip up hoodie, and some jeans, then just some converse on my feet. i run a hand through my hair, attempting to tame it but quickly give up. it'll get messed up fast anyway since i spend most of my time upside down.

by the time im done getting ready its now 12:35 and im getting hungry. i havent eaten breakfast and i have a super metabolism so i decide to grab a snack before hiding out in my room until tea because im sure if i see one of them im going to commit murder.

i angrily walk out of my room, still thinking about the rogues. i slam my door a bit too hard but dad reinforced them after i got bitten so i ignore it. i swing up onto the ceiling since its more comfortable for me and i can annoy dad this way, which is always a bonus.

i walk casually into the kitchen, struggling to decide what snack im going to get. i stop when i step in and see more people in there than just dad, uncle rhodey and mum.

i clear my throat and dad looks over, rolling his eyes when he sees that im on the ceiling again "yeah they came early kid." he looks uncomfortable.

"on time is late" steve laughs slightly trying to lighten the mood. it doesnt work. i glare at him and see his smile fade slightly. "so tony, who is this and why is he on the ceiling? actually how is he on the ceiling?!"

dad just chuckles slightly before gesturing for me to get down "this is peter, also known as spiderman"

i see steve's eyes go wide as he realises what happened during the airport fight. "oh my god i hit you with a jet bridge! what are you 15?!"

"im 16 actually" i grumble quietly, crossing my arms.

"YOU HIT MY KID WITH A JET BRIDGE?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Dad shouts as i stand still, looking slightly sorry for myself. Everyone begins whispering about how 'tony has a kid' or 'spiderman is 16'.

"Dad its fine ive had worse. like this one time an entire warehouse fell on me!" i explain trying to comfort him slightly, but then realise what i just said.

"YOU HAD AN ENTIRE WAREHOUSE FALL ON YOU?!" he shouts getting out of his seat. i jump back onto the ceiling. "you know what, ill deal with you later" he sits back down in his seat.

"hang on can we go back to the fact that Tony Stark has a son," steve laughs slightly, still in shock.

"no i want to focus on the fact that steve almost got beaten by a 16 year old kid." Natasha freakin Romanoff laughs, crossing her arms.

words - 1824
author - cawcawmothertrucker

A/N - i feel like this got kind of off track by the end but idc bc i rly wanted irondad fluff so yeh enjoy. merry christmas! :)

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