Chapter 77 - I Better Just Look at the Pork Shoulders...

Start from the beginning

The person who was addressed as Director Huang spoke somewhat impatiently. "I'm also just following the rules. You're aware too, the higher-ups are keeping a strict watch on us recently. If I don't receive the money, how am I supposed to help you advertise your products? Frankly speaking, what if your company collapsed, who am I supposed to go get back the money from?"

The first person said, "That will not happen, Director Huang. Definitely not! I have already sold the goods, just that the payment hasn't been made yet. The payment will reach us in just a month or two. Please help me think of something!"

From their conversation to this point, Liam was already clear of the situation.

These two people, the first one had sold out the goods in his factory but was unable to collect the money, causing the cash flow in the company to break. Now, he didn't have enough money for advertisement. If he couldn't advertise his products, the new goods in his factory wouldn't be able to be sold out. This would end up in a vicious loop. No wonder he was so panicked.

On the other hand, Director Huang was afraid of his company's policies and afraid that the other person might go bankrupt. Thus, he didn't dare to open up and agree. Otherwise, when he really couldn't get the payment for the advertisement, the responsibility would be too great, and he wouldn't be able to handle it.

As Liam was thinking of this, he heard Director Huang say, "Director Jeon, it isn't that I'm not giving you respect. We have collaborated for so many years, and you have never caused any problem for us your credit has always been quite good. But there really isn't anything I can do. It's tough to get a loan from the bank now, and you can't collect the payment for your previous batch of goods. I really wanted to help you, but the responsibility is too great. Once I'm found out helping you advertise your products without collecting the money, I will be reported."

That Director Jeon let out a long sigh and said, "Since that's the case, I shall not put you in a difficult position. Director Huang, I just raised three million yuan, can you give me some leeway and not take down my advertisement? As for the rest of the money, I will think of something and rush the other side to collect the payment as soon as possible. Is that OK?"

Director Huang said, "Three million yuan? Alright, then you can come to the station to sign the contract first. I will try my best to help you drag on for half a month. Remember, you must pay up the remaining money in the remaining half a month's time. If not, you're aware. Once the advertisement is removed from the golden timing, there are a lot of people who will take up the slot. If that happens, it will be difficult for you to put up advertisements anymore."

"I know, I know." Director Jeon sighed and said, "I will pay up as soon as possible!"

The two of them finally finished their conversation. Liam and Tzuyu looked at each other. Tzuyu softly said. "Surname is Jeon, and he just raised three million yuan. Could it be that this uncle is Jeon Somi's father?"

"80%, it's him." Liam touched his chin. "Should I help him?"

Tzuyu shook her head. "This is hard to help. What he needs now is to ensure that his advertisement will carry on. Once the payment stops and his advertisement is removed, the slot will be taken up. By that time, even if he has the money, there's nothing he can do about it."

"Right." Liam nodded and thought for a while before suddenly saying, "Nayeon, go and ask that uncle to come here for a moment." After all, this was his classmate's father. Since he was here to squander, there was not much difference between where it was squandered at.

Soon after, that person walked over.

Liam took a look. This was a middle-aged man about 45 or 46 years old. He wore a simple western-style suit with tie, and the first impression that he gave off was pretty good. However, it was obvious that he wasn't resting well lately. His eyes' circles were a bit greenish, and his hair on the temples was turning white. It was plain to see that this event had caused him much anxiety.

"Uncle, how may I address you?" Liam grinned and said, "I heard the entire conversation between you and that Director Huang just now."

"Sigh, don't mention about that anymore." Director Jeon said, "My name is Jeon Tianyu, I'm the Director of Might Beverages Private Limited." As he said this, he sighed again. It was obvious that he was feeling quite down now.

"Might Beverages?" Liam was surprised. "This is a big brand. I drink it frequently."

"So what if that' the case?" Mr. Jeon gave a bitter smiled and said, "The goods were unable to be sold out, payments from previous batches couldn't be collected, no money to advertise for the products. All the bad things keep coming together, sigh."



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