Chapter 37 - Lightning Pursuit," Lee Jieun

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While the classmates were having fun choosing their dogs, Liam was occupied with something else.

Hearing how Liam was paying 1,000 yuan a month as well as accommodations for someone to help take care of the dogs, the dog lovers fought to be chosen. The stage almost collapsed under everyone’s weight. The crowd all had their hands up, shouting:

“Choose me, choose me!”

“I can do that. I love dogs the best!”

“Choose me! I’ll only take 800!”

“I… 750!”

Everyone worked themselves into a frenzy. Nothing could be heard over the noise.

It was Nayeon who was smart enough to get a lackey to stand in a corner and hold a board stating: “Queue here to apply for the job. Those who cut the queue will not be accepted!”

“Queue here to apply for a job” didn’t have much impact. But seeing how those that cut the queue would not be accepted, everyone with that intention obediently queued and waited for their turn.

It was not the salary of 1,000 yuan that people were attracted to. It was the free accommodations that drew the crowd. This was in the capital, and renting a place to stay would cost at least 200 yuan. That was equivalent to 1,200 yuan a month. Besides, who could resist the perks of working for Young Master Liam? If they did a good job, Liam would definitely not hesitate to give them a pay raise.

In an instant, the nightclub turned into a job fair. Everyone was promoting themselves in order to earn a good job.

Liam had not predicted the impact he would create by not charging customers every day for a week. Within a night, the volume of people visiting the area around the nightclub increased threefold. The nightclub was filled to the brim. All the peddlers and merchants filled up the street outside the nightclub, their business increasing at least fivefold. Even the bathhouses, restaurants, and hotels benefited from Liam’s actions.

They were not of Liam’s concern. At this moment, he was sitting in the reserved room with a young lady.

This lady was beautiful. Liam cold understand why the boss of Huawei kept her hidden. This lady’s name was Le Jieun, and she was almost on the same level as Tzuyu. There were no words to describe someone who was so beautiful—so beautiful that no words seemed right. Tzuyu was one of them. So was Jieun.

Liam could not find anything to say about her face. If he had to find a word to describe her…


And so, Lee Jieun was beautiful on the outside her fair complexion was impeccable and her eyes were big and bright. At a height of 1.68 meters, her body looked perfect, with the golden ratio. Her chest was full neither too big nor too small. Just the right size.

Liam particularly liked her voice. Her voice was sweet and alluring, calming and cozy to the ears.

A woman like this would drive men crazy.

This was Liam’s impression of Jieun.

Liam continued to casually prop his leg on the side table, drinking the beverage he had in his hand. “It should be no problem for you to sing two songs later? Right? Just pretend you are at a concert venue.”

“Um. Okay.” It was the point of no return. Jieun looked at Liam before standing up. “Should I go now? Or later?”

“Now.” Liam stood up with her. “Let’s go. Let me hear your voice. I will reward you if it is good. Hehe.”

“Young Master Liam, you flatter me.” Jieun blushed as she followed Liam and her manager out of the room.

On the stage, the DJ shouted into the microphone: “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest tonight! This lady here is a singer! She’s so pretty that she can make one want to commit a crime! Her identity is a secret, and her voice will linger in your mind. What are we waiting for, then? Let’s welcome her with a round of applause!”

The audience was ecstatic. Clap, clap, clap, clap. This was the Manoban family’s young master’s territory. Anyone who could stand on the stage at such a place had to be high caliber.

Sure enough, along with the elegant background music and the mesmerizing lights, Jieun slowly walked up the stage and took over the microphone.

In an instant, a soft light shone over her face, highlighting the shape of her face and enhancing her beauty. One could not take their eyes away from her.

Zhu Xiaoling, who was sitting beside Tzuyu, claimed in amazement. “Wah… Sister Tzuyu, this sister is so pretty. Where did Brother Liam find someone like this?”

Tzuyu smiled and nodded her head while watching Jieun on stage. “She is very pretty indeed. Is she a singer? Liam loves to do ridiculous things like that. I don’t know where he found her either. Perhaps this was the matter he was discussing?” Tzuyu looked at Jieun carefully and whispered. “She has tears in her eyes. Did she suffer from some injustice?”

Zhu Xiaoling looked carefully and nodded. “It seems like it. What happened? Did Brother Liam bully her?”

“No. Liam would not do something like that.” Liam had not even made things difficult for the old man that had knocked his side mirror off. He wouldn’t bully a lady. Tzuyu pondered the matter. “This sister is a singer? Perhaps it is her boss who made things difficult for her. That might be why she is here, to seek help from Liam?”

Zhu Xiaoling praised Tzuyu. “Sister Tzuyu is good. That must be the case. Brother Liam would not bully anyone.”

The music slowly crept in, and Jieun came to her senses. She exuded an unyielding aura on stage. In a split second, she seemed like the queen of the stage. “Hi, everyone. My name is Lee Jieun, and I’m a singer. I would like to sing a song that I wrote ’Lightning Pursuit.’ I hope everyone will like it.”

The music started, and Jieun changed completely. She was like the wind, the lightning, like a flash of light radiating in all directions. The lights could not mask the aura she was exuding.

She was like the sun, so bright that one did not dare to look directly at her.

The excitement of the crowd in Ye Lai Xiang heightened. Everyone was clapping along with the rhythm and shouting Jieun’s name.

It took only one song to turn the almost two thousand people in the hall into her fans.

Liam expressed his satisfaction toward Jieun. “Um. Interesting. Haha. Not bad, manager. I will take her under me from now on. Both of you can call me young master. If you encounter any difficulties, just look for Nayeon.”

The manager was overjoyed. Her voice choked as she said, “Thank you very much, Young Master!”



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