Chapter 9 - "Did we just?"

Start from the beginning

I put the kick stand up and put everything into place and keep my eye on the scope and when she comes into sight I adjust to where she is standing and I breathe in and when I release the breath I pull the trigger.

She instantly drops and innocent by standers starts screams and running away, I quickly pack up all of my shit and sprint down the stairs and out of the building. I run out behind the buildings so no one sees me.

I quickly open my trunk and throw everything in and get into m y car and drive off, as I am driving off I see police cars driving in the opposite direction towards Eliana's body.

I continue driving satisfied with the fact that there is one less of a sick human being in this world. That is one thing I do like about having my job is that at the end of the day mostly all of the people I kill are bad people so in some ways I am doing people a huge favor.

Once I am back at the house I go straight up to my room lock the door and change, I change into a bluish gray tank top and shorts set and honestly at this moment I can't even be bothered at the fact that there is most likely a hidden camera in my room because of how tired I am, so I just throw myself into bed and almost instantly fall asleep.

"AGAIN" He shouts, his voice echoing through the empty room.

I get up off of the floor and the next person comes up and tries to hit me. Again I dodge it and punch him in his stomach. We continue fighting for the next 10 minutes until he ends up beating me.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" He shouts and storms over to me gripping my hair and pulling me up off of the ground.


"I have been fighting for hours on end without stopping and I have won every single time without a break, food, or water, there is no way I could've won against someone 3 times bigger than me." I said defeatedly.

"ARE YOU TALKING BACK TO ME?" He houts once again.

I shake my head vigorously in fear and he can sense my fear and he just smiles at me.

"Looks like I haven't taught you good enough about following rules and not talking back I think we need to work on that more, don't you think so Valentina?" he says with a sinister smile on his face.

Knowing I couldn't get out of this due to how weak and tired I was I just didn't even try to fight him as he dragged me away and down the stairs into the basement....

I jerk awake sweating, thank fuck I didn't get to the worse part of that dream yet because honestly I think I will literally fucking kill myself if I ever have to relive something as brutal as that.

I check the time and it reads 2:47a.m I get up from my bed and decide to wash my face since I didn't do it earlier. Once I was done doing that I go over to the door and unlock it sneaking down into the kitchen, I didn't put on my bandana because who the fuck would be in the kitchen at this time so I wasn't too worried.
When I walked into the kitchen I went to the fridge to get a water bottle, when I opened the door to the fridge the bright ass fucking lit came on and all of a sudden I see something out the corner of my eye. Quickly turning my head I am kind of surprised to see Ace just sitting there with a glass of whiskey in his right hand.

Mhm I guess I didn't notice him when I walked in.

I grab my water and close the fridge door and go sit next to him.

Why is he up so late? And why is he just sitting here in the dark drinking?

Why the fuck do I care? I don't know but for some reason I do.

"What do you want?" he half slurs half grumbles.

Someone is moody.

"I just wanted water." I say tiredly.

"Why are you down here?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything he just looks at me.

Why is he just staring at me?

Oh shit I don't have my face covered.

I go to get up but he quickly grabs my hand pulling me towards him, so I am now standing in between his legs standing as he is still siting down.

Before I could even say anything he speaks.

"I know I am going to regret this." he mumbles and I just kind of look at him confused.

What the fuck is he – before I could even finish my thought his lips are on mine.

I instantly pull away and we just stare at each other.

I couldn't even think I just kissed him right back.

His lips were oddly soft and it was completely intoxicating.

I bring my hand to the back of his head and he just rests his hands on my hips pulling me closer to him.

We break the kiss and just rest our foreheads together, the only thing that could be heard throughout the room was our heavy breathing.

I open my eyes and look at him to see that he is already looking at me. 

Did we just....kiss?

Freaked out I grab my water and damn near sprint to my room, I close the door quietly and lean against it.

No fucking way that really just happened, I don't even like him, he's ignorant and this he can get anything he want when he wants it. But is it also bad I kind of liked it?

No, I didn't I am just tired.

I lock my door and go lay down pulling the covers back over me just hoping I can just fall back asleep.

                                      Ace's POV

Why did I do that?

I am definitely going to regret this tomorrow.

A/N - Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. I decided to do a double update since I haven't been updating as frequently, but surprise surprise their story is officially starting and it's about to start getting good!!!! see y'all mfs soon!

                              Word count

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