Run Away With Me

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"Marinette..." Marinette stopped talking, looking up at the kind soul instead. "Please be safe. "

"I can't make any promises, Tikki... but I will try."


Kagami, stared at the other girl, her mouth agape and her vermillion eyes swirling with shock. She opened her hand, looking down at the pair of earrings. They appeared a dark purple in the bright sunlight. "Marinette, don't take this the wrong way, but how do I know this isn't a joke?" Marinette took a brisk glance around before ushering the girl into a dark alley. 

"Put them on."

Kagami glanced at her with a look of scepticism but did as she was instructed regardless. Tikki sprung from the earrings. The fencer appeared surprised and yet unbothered. "You must be Tikki. Marinette mentioned you were her kwamii."

"Yep! That's me! All you have to say is, "Tikki, spots on!"  and you'll transform!" Kagami hummed in response. Marinette held her arm tightly.

"I'm sorry I put this on you so abruptly. I know it was selfish but if this continued, I'd be putting the lives of many in danger."

"Marinette, I am grateful for your trust, but are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. And the miracle box is in my bedroom. Here's the code." She held out a paper with colours, some lightly shaded and others shaded in dark. "If you need anything else, it's also in the compartment. If you need anything else the-"

"Why are you doing all of this?" Marinette paused, saying nothing. "What are you planning?"

"Kagami... I don't know how to say this... but I-I'm leaving Paris. I'm completely leaving France too..." Kagami's face went pale with concern.

"You're not," she made a motion of tying a hangman's knot, "are you?" Marinette looked at her confused, the motion taking a minute to go through before Marinette understood what the girl was implying. It didn't take long to panic at the misinterpretation.

"Of course not! No! I-I didn't even think of that when I came up with this idea- no, I'm running away!"

"Thats somehow even more unsettling... but I'm glad you're not doing that."

"Yeah. Sorry for the scare, Kagami."

"So what about your family? And your friends? Have you told them you're leaving?"

Marinette took a deep breath, "no. The only people who know are the kwamii's, you, and Alya." Kagami hugged Marinette tightly.

"Good luck then."


Marinette looked at the large mirror shard she held in her hand. She looked upon it, seeing what was left of herself. Eye bags heavier than ink, bloodshot eyes that gave her a crazed look, a gaunt face tattered by the countless hours spent fighting Shadow Moth, and hair a sea of knots. Overall? She appeared unkempt and void. She couldn't even take proper care of herself anymore. 

"Tonight is a new start," she whispered, smiling at herself. She took the shard and cut her hair. It fell like rain upon the cold tiled floor. She scooped it up, throwing it in the waste bin, then washed her hands, grabbing her phone off the washroom counter. She pulled up her contacts and called Alya. She answered.


"I'm leaving now." Marinette left the room and picked her knapsack off the chaise. "If you want to come with, you've got half an hour to get there."

'Marinette, you know I can't, it's crazy!'

"That's why I don't expect you to. But if you do, you know where to find me. After that? You won't be able to." She placed her note underneath her mouse pad. "I don't know where I'm going Alya, but I want you there with me. However, if this will be the last time we ever talk, I want you to know you've been the best friend a girl could ask for. And, I truly mean this, I love you."

'Marinette, please reconsid-' Marinette hung up; she wasn't going to throw away her only shot. The baker held the power button down, then factory reset her phone. There wasn't any going back.

"Goodbye, Master," Sass said, bowing kindly. Marinette held a remorseful smile. 

"It's been a pleasure working with you all. Please treat Kagami kindly."

"We will, Miss M," declared Trixx. She opened her hatch.


The teen quickly left her room and soon the apartment. She snuck down the stairs, trying to not alert anyone. She used the fire escape to leave, the Bakery door was too out in the open. She put her hood over her head and started walking briskly. The train wasn't far from the Arc de Triomphe. If she could get past unnoticed, acting like a tourist, then she could get to the train. She looked down at her watch. 

Twenty-five minutes until it leaves - ten until it gets here, she asserted. Just walk normally with a bit of puppy confusion and everything will work out.

She made it on time, with only five minutes to spare. Marinette snuck past the security and jumped into the very last cargo cart. She crawled to the shadows, clutching her bag close. If Alya wanted to come, she would've been here with you. But Marinette still found herself hoping. She hoped Alya would give up on common sense. She hoped Alya would leave France to explore the world with her. She hoped Alya would be with her. Marinette didn't just love Alya. "I'm in love with you, Alya Césaire," she whispered.

Despite how much she hoped and desired, Alya wasn't there. The train had started. Marinette pushed open the "wall" of the train. She sat at the edge, watching as the station shrunk before her. Moonlight glistened off the sooty tracks running along. The stars burned like a million diamonds, and the air smelled of exhaust and coal. Though admiring the captivating night wasn't going to stop reality.

Alya wasn't coming.

It was her choice, there was no turning back now.

Marinette, shrunk back into the cart, closing her eyes and listening to the stir. She heard a 'clink' behind her. Probably a rock, she assumed. It wasn't any reason to budge. Until she heard crunches in the grass. Animals...?

"Marinette!"The brunette flinched. She peeked out and saw her best friend. Alya was just barely keeping up with the train.

"Alya!" She quickly reached her hand out, trying to grab Alya. Alya was just out of reach. She stepped out, holding on to the siding, her foot standing on the edge of the corridor. She was bent down and her position was hard to maintain against the whirling winds. Any faster and Alya would be completely out of reach. But Alya leapt, grabbing onto Marinette's extended arm. 

She was pulled on the cart safely, and her backpack was put down by Marinette's. Marinette couldn't hold back her emotions. She tackled Alya in a fierce hug, beaming into the blogger's shoulder. "You came! You actually came!"

"I couldn't leave my best friend alone, what kind of person would I be if I did that!?"

"I-I don't know, I'm just-!" She stopped talking and looked Alya in the eyes. "I'm in love with you!" Alya started sobbing. "I'm sorry-"

"I'm in love with you too; I was so scared of losing you! I didn't want to lose you and I am so glad I came with you! I threw away everything that held me back because I didn't want to have a life without you! A life without you isn't worth living. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, M!"

Marinette's heart bustled with sentiments at the words she waited to hear for many years. "I do too, Alys." She leaned over, kissing the girl who was finally more than just her best friend. 

Run Away With Me || AlyanetteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora