"What time did you notice it?"

"How did you notice it?"

"Did you see the person who put it there?"

"Around five,knock on the door, and no" I finally answered.

"Thanks," a cop muttered.

"We should do a fingerprint scan for it," a cop whose name-tag said Zaiyla. (A.N. Zaiyla pronounced Zae-la. Pretty huh?)

An hour later we were in a car heading to the closest police station.

When the car stopped, we got out and made our way inside.

We were greeted with even more questions. Everything was happening so fast, I couldn't process it. We were pushed into a room, while half the police ran DNA tests on the paper and we were questioned (some more).

"Did Camilla have any enemies?"



"Just me," I finally spoke up. It was mostly random people in my family answering questions.

"The day she was kidnapped. Did it look like anything was bothering her?"

"She was awfully quiet,"

"Do you--," the policeman was cut off by a phone call.

"Really? Ok.. I'll tell them. Thanks for calling," he said into the phone.

"Two things, 1. We forgot to tell you how the kidnappers found your house. And 2. The DNA results are back,"

"How? And who?" Was all I could get out.

"We think they got into the office at the school and found Camilla's file, which explains why Mrs.Camell was killed,"

"Oh my gosh," Everyone gasped.

"Oh, and who all touched the note?" Zaiyla asked entering the room.

"I only did," my father said.

"We need a DNA sample from you to subtract it from the others found on it" she explained.

"Sure, go ahead," he nodded.

After getting a fingerprint sample from our father Zaiyla quickly left the room, leaving us in silence.

"We should probably just wait till she comes back, and by the way my name is Jacob," the cop said.

"Nice to meet you," my mother and father said shaking Jacob's hand.

Zaiyla burst into the room fast, and she looked confused.

"Uhh, Jacob could I talk to you outside?" Zaiyla asked looking towards Jacob.

"Sure," Jacob replied getting out of his seat and following Zaiyla out of the room.

The room was silent.

"What do you think that was about?" Niall asked breaking the silence.

"I have no idea," I quietly said.

We stood there in silence waiting for some sign whether that was positive or negative.

Did they find a match?

Is it someone we know?

Is it a cruel prank?

Who is it?

A serial killer?

Or what?

Is she dead?

Questions filled everyone's head. None of them can be answered, not quite yet.

We waited for almost 10 minutes before both Jacob and Zaiyla entered the room again.

"We got results back, and we were surprised to see who it was," Jacob calmly said.

"It has multiple prints on it," Zaiyla explained.

"Well, who do they belong to?" My mother asked holding in her breath waiting for an answer.

"They belong to......" Zaiyla whispered.


~CLIFFHANGER!! Well wrist isn't any better. But I thought I should write a chapter because it has been forever. Well my cousin might go on my account and reply to some comments cause I'm not replying to all of them anymore! Sorry, but she said she will probably sign the comment ~Rai ~Rain

Yeah, thought I should tell you!

And btw if you guys keep up with all the hate towards me, I'm taking a break for a month. Cause I'm sick of it!

What else was I going to say? OH YEAH!! Well we haven't had this for awhile cause I'm to lazy to search for questions. But guess what? It's....


I'm picking 2 winners. How I'm picking them you may ask? Well I have two numbers in my head. If you care that number of comments then you win!

Ex. Number is 3 (not the actual number just example)

If you are the 3rd comment your the winner. MAKE SENSE?

ok good.

Easy one...kinda.

What is Hinge's name for Camilla?

(He calls her that in multiple chapters)

Word of the update!


How do you actually spell it? The world may never know!! But should I continue doing the word of the update (WOTU) ? Comment YAY or NAY

Well yeah if you read all that... Heres an ugly cupcake a.k.a. A muffin!

Jk i dont have muffins but I wish I did.

~muah ;)

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