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~CAMILLA'S POV!! Well I don't have anything to put up here so...regular stuff below!!~


I couldn't take it, I was done watching T.V.! How could they kill someone as innocent as Mrs. Camell? What does Mr. Camell think? He must be heartbroken!

I cried and cried. I didn't know what to think...except one thing. CAN MY WEEK GET ANY WORSE?! After awhile my sadness turned into anger. I waited till Fin and Hinge got home before I lost it.

"HONEY WE'RE HOME!!" Hinge yelled while walking through the door.

I grinded my teeth before answering them, "Don't ever say that again!" I shouted.

"Why are you so grumpy?" Fin asked calmly.

"WHY DID YOU KILL HER?!" I shouted...I lost my temper.

"Kill who?" Hinge asked. I could tell he was faking. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"WHY DID YOU KILL MRS. CAMELL!! I yelled, trying to slip out of my handcuffs so I could attack them.

"HOW DID YOU FIND THAT OUT?" Fin asked confused.

"Hmm....let's see... you let me watch T.V. then I was flipping through channels and saw my mom on the news channel....so I stayed and watched cause I miss her soo much....then the story on her murder came on!!" I explained, trying my hardest to calm down.

I saw Fin grab Hinge by the arm to go in another room so they could talk. I heard them mumbling as they walked down the hall, then a door slammed. I heard yelling....then instantly became scared. Should I have brought it up at all? If I wouldn't have freaked out, would they not be so mad? But most of all. What are they going to do to me?

About 5 minutes later, they opened the door.

"Since this is the first time you disrespected us the punishment won't be so severe," Fin said smirking.

"W-w-what is i-i-it?" I stuttered out.

Hinge took the handcuffs off of me and led me into a different room. Fin sat on a couch, and laid me on his lap, face-down.

I saw Hinge taking off his belt, and handing it to Fin.

"Count," he muttered in my ear.

He hit me hard..."I SAID TO COUNT," he yelled hitting me harder.

He hit me over and over. I counted to 40 before everything went black.

I woke up the next morning......my legs hurting worse than I could imagine, and I was laying on the floor with Fin and Hinge both on the couch. Looking down at my legs..all I saw was that they had bruises and were gushing blood. I tried to stand, only to find I couldn't even move a little without severe pain. Dragging my body over to the wall, I tried to sit up for 5 minutes before giving up. I cried and cried, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME?! Finally, I stopped crying to realize Fin and Hinge were still asleep. I got up leaning against the wall, and stumbled into the hall. Using objects around the house I quietly ran out the door.

I ran as fast as I could and as far as I could, hoping,wishing, to never get caught.


~ Ok sorry for short chapter (and probably big thing below), but I have things to say before contests and winners...

1. Saying I post to slow or trying to rush me DOES NOT get the chapter done faster it just makes it more stressful

2. I have school to worry about...I am not somebody who has all the time in the world to write chapters.

3. Saying it nicely will make me more encouraged to do it though.. (Ex. Omg please update I love your story soo much)


Winners from last one (along with questions):

Q:What was the 'Major Clue' in the chapter 'The Major Clue'?

Correct answer by: @ driftwood123

A: The brown fabric from the kidnappers coat

BQ: What was the kidnappers surprised to find out about Camilla?

Correct answer by: @ BossBitch67

A: They were surprised that Camilla could sing!

Ok, so a new rule(since it would be more fair) you can't win twice in a row unless no one else comments the correct answer...so comment anyway!!



Regular Question:

What grade is Camilla, Rosella, Jake, Mae,and Niall in? (exact order as listed)

(Chapters 1-3 and 5-8)

Bonus Question:

Go into exact detail (pretty much what i wrote) on what the kidnappers looked like when Camilla first saw them.

Well, comment answers below!!

Bye ;)~

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