Upon rediscovering his love for Yubel, Judai convinced himself that they were the one and chose them over Johan to make them happy. He thought his feelings for Johan had gone away. Until now. Judai didn't have to convince himself that he loved Yubel. However, ever since falling in love with them, he had been trying to insist that he didn't love Johan.

"Trust in your feelings, Judai," Daitokuji advised, somehow sounding like a teacher again. "What are they telling you?"

"I love Yubel... and Johan." It sounded so right in his heart. Out loud, however...

Daitokuji nodded. "If you're certain you love both of them, then you love both of them."

"Equally? Is that even possible?" Judai murmured, gripping his chest.

Daitokuji returned to his usually kooky tone as he replied, "It sure seems that way."

That's what his feelings were telling him but it went against everything he'd ever believed about love: that romantic love could only be shared between two people. Even disregarding the rest of the world, Yubel certainly thought that way.

"Yubel would never allow this..." Judai muttered aloud.

"You won't know until you talk to them," Daitokuji replied with a shrug.

Judai stared at him. His former teacher opened his mouth as if to say more, but he was cut off by Pharoah taking the orb of his spirit in his mouth. Daitokuji disappeared in a flash. With that, Judai was left alone with only his rampant thoughts and a cat to keep him company.

Pharoah brushed up against him. Sighing, Judai patted his head as his mind wandered. *How am I going to tell Yubel?* There was no way he could keep this a secret for long. In fact, Yubel already knew. They knew before Judai did: he was actually surprised his lover hadn't confronted him again.

A creaking sound filled the air. Judai froze. Someone was entering the abandoned house he was in.


"Johan!" Judai gasped. For a brief moment, he was relieved it was him.

"Judai..." Johan's voice was as gentle and warm as an embrace. Judai could almost feel the warmth around him. "Are you okay?"

"No..." Judai choked out a sob, keeping his back to Johan. His head was hung low.

Footsteps creaked toward him. Johan was suddenly in front of Judai on one knee. A burst of warmth surged through Judai as Johan's soft hands rested on his shoulders.

"Do you want to talk?" he murmured.

"No..." Tears suddenly poured from Judai's eyes as he spoke. "I want to stop feeling!"


Judai pulled away, the front of his hair falling over his eyes as he stared at the ground.

"I... I can't talk about it. I'm sorry, Johan. I lo-" He slapped his hand over his mouth. "I care for you. You're my best friend, but I can't say it." Judai's heart ached. It would be so much easier to tell Johan. However, he couldn't risk hurting Yubel.

"You don't have to," Johan replied.

Before Judai could find the strength to continue, Johan shifted closer and wrapped his arms around Judai. His eyes went wide. Choking out a sob, Judai clutched the fellow duelist. He couldn't stop himself from trembling in Johan's soft arms, the warmth of his embrace so intense it shook him to the core. It was the same way he'd felt in Yubel's embrace when they'd first fused.

"Judai... It pains me to see you like this." Johan let out a sigh, rubbing the small of Judai's back. "I... I know it's only been a day since we reunited but... I... I feel like I could spend my entire life with you. Just travelling around, rescuing duel spirits, helping out wherever we can."

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