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Which contries are we taking over: Germany, Russia, the Solomon Islands, China


Why? The leading political part just switched. Two times ago, when that happened, Germany fucked around and started WW2. 

Advantages: they produce a lot of timber, natural gas, coal, lignite, uranium, and iron ore

Disadvantages: they're a big scary country that doesn't want to be taken over

How to join? Comment here. 


Why?  They've got a lot of fucked up shit going on there. 

Advantages: iron ore, manganese, chromium, nickel, platinum, titanium, copper, tin, lead, tungsten, diamonds, phosphates, and gold 

Disadvantages: they're a big scary country that doesn't want to be taken over, winter

How to join? Comment here. 

Solomon Islands 

Why? Because there's a lot of unrest there due to a bad government and that's where one of my teachers says WW3 is going to start. 

Advantages: timber, fish, copra, palm oil, cocoa, and gold. (We can get workers for the cocoa and try to push slavery out of the cocoa industry.)

Disadvantages: they're a small scary country that doesn't want to be taken over

How to join? Comment here. 


Why?Advantages: Disadvantages: How to join? Talk to @theofficial69breaker

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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