We kept playing until eventually we decided to do the Secret Santa

Aaliyah- Okay everybody, make a circle

We did that, we joked around for a while and then started to describing each other ready to give the gifts.

Rodrick- So this next person is a very intelligent person...

Coy- George!

Rodrick- He already received a present, *Clears throat* As I was saying, he also...

Ashley- Its a he

Rodrick- Yeah, he is a grouchy person

Everyone- Marcus!!

Marcus- Come on

Rodrick- Yes!

Marcus- *Chuckle* Fine

Rodrick- *Hugh* Merry Christmas brother

Aaliyah- Where is it?

Rodrick- About  that...

Julie- Rodrick

Rodrick- I forgot so I have this

He handed me an envelope

Marcus- A letter?

Rodrick- Better

Marcus- A letter...

Rodrick- And! And!

Marcus- 15 bucks

Rodrick- See! I told you

Marie- Rodrick...

Marcus- Its fine, I appreciate it

Sebastian- Yikes

Marcus- Well, it's my turn I guess

Tina- Yes!

Marcus- Okay, this next person has been a friend of mine for over 6 years

Coy- 3, I'm out

Aaliyah- Same here

Tina- Me too :(

Ashley- I don't know how many but I think I'm still in

Marcus- Well, then next thing it's a he

Ashley- Damn

Sebastian- There's only two people who fit that description

Marcus- And Sebastian, you... you're... Not that person

Harry- Knew it

Marcus- Merry Christmas Harry

Harry- Thanks

Julie- Open it

Harry- Okay it's... Sick! A scarf, a wand and a cup

Marcus- I knew you like Harry Potter

Harry- Thats why I'm called like that *Chuckle*

Marcus- And there's one more thing

Harry- Oh! Wow, I was actually gonna get this

Coy- What?

Harry- The Christmas Pig (Book)

Sebastian- Got it, cause you're a pig

Ashley- Sebastian!

Sebastian- Sorry

Harry- Thanks man

Marcus- No problem

Harry- Okay, my turn

We kept going until eventually we all received our gifts and started leaving

Marcus- I suppose y'all be staying here tonight

Layla- You guessed right

Marcus- Bye Layla, talk to you later

Layla- Sure

Marcus- Girls, I'm leaving have fun

Tina- I'll walk you outside

Marcus- No need to

Tina- I insist

Marcus- Okay


Tina- You're not grouchy

Marcus- *Chuckle* Thanks Tina

Tina- You're sweet

Marcus- You really think that?

Tina- Yeah, I guess they don't know you as I do

Marcus- Even tho I know them for longer you're right, you've seen the second mask

Tina- ???

Marcus- There's a Japanese say, I think it's Japanese that says we have 3 masks, the first one is the one we show everybody,  the second one is just a few people that get to see it

Tina- Like your friends and family?

Marcus- Exactly, and the third one is the one only you see

Tina- Wow

Marcus- Yeah, so you now know my second mask

Tina- I also know you're the jealous type

Marcus- *Chokes* What?

Tina- *Giggle* Marcus Marcus Marcus

Marcus- Tina Tina Tina

Tina- Merry Christmas

Marcus- Merry Christmas

We stand there awkwardly

Marcus- Uhm

Tina- Come here dummy

She gave a hugh

Marcus- I guess I'll see you next year

Tina- Yeah, Happy New Year in that case

Marcus- I'll text you, don't worry

Tina- Sure, have a good night

Marcus- Have fun Tina

Tina- You too

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