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I park my car in front of a dim house. At least from the outside, it looks a bit dark. I double-checked the address Sasha had sent me before seeing I was in the right place. I walk up the steps and down the long trail leading to the front door of the house. My nerves slightly loosened up when I heard music inside being played. I text Sasha, telling her I had arrived and I'm in the front. A few moments later, Sasha's bright smile greets me with a warm hug before inviting me inside. She closed the door behind us.

    "You could've just walked in!" Sasha urges, making me acknowledge her comfortability with me. I smile before moving on to the next topic. I look around the entrance. A nice interior. It was clean, except the floors were painted with dirty shoe marks from the people who have already entered the house. I see ahead of me was the kitchen, where I hear cheerful shouting and laughing as well as shot glasses slamming the counters. Sasha grabs my hand and pulls me to the kitchen, where her friends were.

    "You guys! Y/n's here! She's my new friend!" Sasha shouts attention towards us. All of the heads in the kitchen turn to us and my body tenses up, nervous. I nervously smile before awkwardly waving. Things continue back to normal when Sasha pulls me to a side of the island counter to take a shot. I stood next to Reiner, who was drinking from a red solo cup and talking to a tall brunette man with a prominent nose. Sasha was to my right, pouring tequila into a shot glass. She pours another one for herself before picking them both up and turning her attention to me, handing me one of the shot glasses. I gently take it from her before we lifted the glass up high and poured it down our throats in one gulp. I place the shot glass down on the table and cringe at the taste it left on my tongue. Tequila by itself was gross. But I wasn't gonna decline a shot. Sasha laughs before sucking in the air with her mouth, hissing. I chuckle at her struggle before she nudges me.

    "Was there a drink you wanted that I could make you?" Sasha kindly asks. I look around before shrugging my shoulders. I leaned into her ear since the music was making it hard for both of us to hear each other.

    "Just a bottle of Guinness if there are any," I respond. She looks back at me and nods with a thumbs up before leaving my side and heading to the other side of the kitchen to the fridge. I look around and see the familiar faces I had already met today. I see Armin talking to Eren and a girl with short black hair. She looked sad. But maybe that's just how her face is. I turn and see a blonde woman leaning back on a counter and drinking a corona. My taste. I didn't really like keg beer. If I went to a bar, I'd always ask for bottled beer. It just tastes better. I see her talking with Reiner and the tall brunette man. She doesn't look too amused though. I see another blonde woman. She was short and looked expensive. She's pretty. I noticed her bag was Fendi. I nod in agreement, not particularly to anyone. I see another tall man with dirty blonde hair. He had a sharp nose and dressed well. He seems to clean himself up well. I turn back to the fridge and see Sasha and Connie joking around before I see her head back towards me.

    She hands me the beer and smiles at me. I smile back at her, facing her now.

    "So what's the rundown on your friends now that they're all here?" I ask her in her ear. She chuckles before responding to me. She takes a sip of her drink.

    "So you already know about the ones you met. Armin and Eren are best friends. That girl with short black hair is Mikasa. She's the last member of their trio. Shy overall but she isn't a party pooper. You just have to give her a minute to get her out of her shell. And by that I mean vodka," Sasha explains. I laugh at her joke before she continues.

    "Anyways, the three of them are as close as ever. So if you cross one of them then you're on all of their bad sides. Be careful with those three," She warns me. I nod. She looks around the room before her eyes widen slightly.

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