Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Bracken was starting to get worried when Sadie didn't show up for two days after Mizelle, Seth and Warren left him at the weird makeshift underground prison Sadie had made. They were at one of the far corners of Fablehaven hidden by tall trees.

Bracken didn't have to worry anymore when Sadie showed up the third day.

"Your friends are acting weird," Sadie said as she entered the cell, "Is it the holidays or something?"
"How would I know?" Bracken asked.

"You wouldn't, but can't I make conversation?"
When Bracken didn't say anything Sadie gave a dramatic sigh and then sat down next to him on the ground.

"Do you not want to talk to me?"
"Why wouldn't I want to talk to you? You're only the person who's been keeping me down here for weeks."
"I could let you out but you'd have to keep your mouth shut about me and Kendra."

"You expect me to lie to everyone?"

"And that's why you're down here.

And this is why it's going to be hard to get information out of her.

"When did you even take over Kendra's body anyways?"
"What's your guess?"
"Halloween night, when the power went out."
"You're smart, do you know how I did it?"
"Probably something to do with that cloaked figure I saw in the woods."
"Yes, but how did they even get on the preserve without their name in the register?"
"I don't know." Bracken said, hoping this might bait her into saying more.

"Well, you can think about it, I have a party to help Grandma Sorenson plan."

"Wait one free question?"
"Go for it."
"Who is the person in the cloak?" Bracken figured Sadie was more likely to give up that information rather than anything about Kendra.

"Okay, her name is Victoria. She was a witch who helped me out a few times."
"Is she still at Fablehaven?"
"You said one question Bracken, not two. Now I really do have to go, merry christmas."

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