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One of my homies arrived at my house soon after Wynter and I made it in. I instructed him to go get her vehicle from the plaza. Two police officers arrived shortly after and took a statement form Wynter. Since there wasn't any penetration there wasn't a need to do a sexual assault kit. Wynter was sexually assaulted if only I could get her to think that herself. She acts as if she deserved it. No woman deserves to be touched in a sexual manner unless they consent to it. I felt terrible for thinking that she knew the nigga. I didn't know. One of the officers followed me upstairs to get Wynter's clothing so they could bag it for evidence. I heard Wynter sobbing in the shower, and my heart broke. I had to finish up this business with them before I handled her...handled us.

When the police left, I immediately got on the phone with my attorney Mattox about the situation that happened tonight. He assured me that he would handle everything and was reaching out to the team and law enforcement. I had my publicist craft a statement about the incident that would be released immediately.

After the call I sat in my office and put my hands behind my head. What the fuck is this woman doing to me that's making me come out of character in such a manner? Why did she call herself a hoe? What the fuck was I thinking? I'm at the height of my career situations like this can present a risk to an NBA team. Nobody will want me if they think I'm a hot head.

I was emotionally and mentally exhausted from today's events. Even the shower did no good in elevating my mood. Normally a hot steamy shower is enough to get me back on track. I got in Dave's bed and just as I was about to fall asleep Fox13 News at Nine started. I heard Valerie Calhoun's voice

"We've got some breaking news here at the FOX13 news desk. We've just received cell phone video of Grizzlies star Dave Brewster punching a man this evening in the BestBuy plaza. Bystanders state the argument appeared to be over a young woman who was seen leaving the scene with Brewster. We'll keep you updated as this story develops. We've reached out to the Grizzlies who have no further comment at this time."

I heard Wynter yell loudly so I shot upstairs to check on her.

"You ok?"

"The new...the news just ran a story about what happened! I cannot let this derail my career!"

"Derail your career? I have my people handling it now."

"This would've NEVER happened if you didn't come running up to me like you were my savior!!! I can handle myself!!!"

"You certainly weren't handling yourself just by standing there Wynter! AND you aren't the only person with a CAREER to think about!!!"

"Oh, whatever you've got enough money to last you a fucking lifetime Dave I'm not quite at retirement yet!!!"

At that moment Wynter grabbed what little she had with her. Wynter pushed past me and I followed her as she rushed down the stairs towards the foyer. Just as she was about to request an Uber my boy pulled up with her car that she left in the parking lot. She quickly opened the door.

"Wynter! Wynter!"

"Fuck you Dave" she then looked at my boy and said "Leave it running."

I didn't have any words to formulate I watched Wynter walk to her car, slam the door and pull off. This woman was causing my world to spin off its axis.

When I arrived home, I turned on the TV instinctively to see what the news was saying the incident.

"Valerie Calhoun here again we have a follow up on the story we ran earlier. We've received a joint statement from the Grizz and Mr. Brewster's attorney Mattox and Associates. It reads "Earlier this evening Mr. Brewster was involved in a physical altercation. The incident occurred because a sexual assault was in progress and Mr. Brewster intervened. This victim is a friend of Mr. Brewster's and we ask that you respect his and her privacy at this time." Due to the nature of their statement FOX13 will not air the video again that we received of the incident. We sincerely apologize to the victim involved. As you all know women who are the victims of sexual assault are never identified by FOX13 and this was an error on our part. Back to you Ernie."

To say I was relieved is an understatement. I instantly felt bad about how I handled the aftermath of the whole incident with Dave but I wasn't going to apologize.


I looked down at my phone just what I don't need at this moment a text from Roy.

Roy: Nice video. Enjoy your new nigga Wynter.

Wynter: Roy, from the bottom of my heart fuck you.

Roy: I would never marry a hoe anyway

Wynter: & I wouldn't marry a shrimp dick so we even when we settle our client's case this Thursday, I never want to hear from you again.

Roy watches the news all the time I knew he would see it but I was worried about social media. As I scrolled through my Instagram and Facebook, I couldn't find the video. Dave's team must be doing damage control to prevent it from going viral. On the inside I appreciated it but on the outside, I didn't quite know how to express that to him. I did appreciate him intervening but I never want a man to think that I need them to save me. I can save myself.

Hoe to Housewife: Dave and WynterWhere stories live. Discover now