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It's been about a week since the accident... I should probably check on my kids, but I've been swamped with work recently...

"Germany, you wouldn't mind covering for me, right?" I ask.

"Really? But... you're the CEO?" Germany said.

"I trust you, just take care of things while I'm out," I say, patting Germany on the back. Germany is Frances other son. I don't mind that, it's not her fault Reich invaded her territory. I'm glad France seems to be ok now, and she doesn't hate her son at all. So, I treat him respectfully as well. He's not a monster like his father.

I decide to check on Australia first. Australia and New Zealand live together, although they drive each other mad. I knock on the door, and New Zealand answers.

"Oh, hey dad," New Zealand said. I'm not sure why he sounds so... indifferent? He doesn't seem the slightest bit happy to see me.

"Hello... are you doing alright? I just... I wanted to check up on you and your brother," I say.

"I'm fine, it's been a week since the accident after all," New Zealand said. I'm not sure if the passive aggressiveness was intended, but it did sting. Why didn't I visit sooner???

"Well... how's Australia?" I ask. Suddenly, his uninterested demeanor changes.

"H-he... um... he's having some memory problems and... a physical trainer comes by every once in a while to help him re-learn to walk... u-um...," New Zealand says, his voice quivering. I take his hand.

"I'd like to see him... is that ok?" I ask. New Zealand nods. We go inside to see Australia watching TV on the couch. He seems a bit distant. He looks over to us, and seemingly racks his memory trying to place who I was.

"Oh.... hi dad," Australia said cautiously, as if hoping he didn't mistake me for someone else. I sit down next to him.

"Hello Aussie... how are you feeling?" I ask gently.

"I'm ok... I didn't know you were coming over," Australia said.

"I just wanted to check on you and your brother...," I say, taking his hand and holding it close to my chest. Australia smiled.

"Thank you... I missed seeing a recognizable face... other than Kiwis of course," Australia said.

"Australia had trouble remembering everyone I've invited over so far... the memories are coming back, just very slowly," New Zealand explained. I sigh.

"I'll visit as much as I can... I want to go check on your older brothers now...," I say. Australia looks confused, before seemingly remembering they exist.

"Ok, tell them I said hi," Australia said. I nod. I go to Canada's house first, and knock on the door. To my surprise, America answers.

"Oh, hey Britain... hey, look, Canada is in a real bad mood right now... I don't know if you wanna deal with that but-,"

"Well, isn't it my job to?" I ask. America pauses, and then nods.

"I guess... come on in," America said. I go inside to see Canada sitting on his couch, crying. Damn... they really did amputate his leg...

"Canada...," I say softly, sitting next to him.

"Dad...," Canada whispered, trying to dry his tear stained cheeks. I look down at his leg. It's red with scratches. Canada hadn't hurt himself in years, but I suppose the stress got to him.

"...have you thought of getting a prosthetic leg?" I ask. Canada sighed.

"I don't have money to spare... those things are expensive and they only last, what, two years? Maybe three if I'm lucky?? I should just... give up...," Canada said.

"Canada, you shouldn't have to give up on skating...," I say.

"That's not exactly what I was referring to...," Canada said. My eyes widen, and I pull Canada into a tight hug.

"I'm going to help you pay for a prosthetic leg... I'll help you pay every time... Canada... I...I can't...," I say, trying to stop myself from tearing up. "You're so strong... brave... amazing... you can't let this be your downfall... we'll get through this together," I say. Canada shook his head.

"You don't have to waste your money on me-,"

"I'd give away the entire world to see you happy, Canada... I love you, ok? Now, come with me... we have to pick out your prosthetic," I say. Canada smiles and hugs me back.

"I love you too dad,"

(Btw this book isn't gonna be super long, it's just for the feels)

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