I will fight for her honor

Start from the beginning

"Higashikata. Only you were missing here. Better go where you went."

"I'm only going to leave when I figure out what's going on here. It's all clear now. You change girls like gloves to appear cool in front of your friends. What a filthy bastard in high school?"

"None of your business. I said that I will get it, then so be it."

" Only over my dead body."

He use Crazy Diamond to slam fist into the guy's face. A series of subsequent blows are carried through the body and the teenager loses consciousness. Y/N brushes the dirt off her skirt as she walks over to the pompadour guy.

"Thanks for helping Josuke. I've never met the worst concerned bastards." The girl hugs Josuke's shoulders.

"You're welcome Y/N. I'm glad I was around. This idiot always likes to show off to his friends by changing girls." Josuke also hugs Y/N's shoulders.

In his heart, the young man smiles, despite his hidden love for the girl. If only Y/N knew about Josuke's feelings. The guy could prove, unlike others, that he was kind. Will not act like a pervert or an insane fool.

"But... how did you get here?" The girl asks.

"Okuyasu and I were buying ice cream and I stayed outside, hearing the noise of trash cans around the corner."

"I was the one making a noise when I was breaking my grip. Thanks again. Would you mind if I go with you? It's a little scary to go after that."

"Of course not against."

Just in time, Okuyasu leaves the store with two ice cream bags. Josuke takes the ice cream and hands it Y/N.

"Um... Josuke. I don't want to." The girl nervously refuses.

"Take it. Consider this a small prize. It will just be embarrassing to watch the guys in front of the girl eat ice cream without sharing. Take it without refusal."

Y/N accepts the present from the pompadour guy and thanks. Along the way, the company chatted about games and fun. Occasionally Okuyasu flirted with Y/N, causing Josuke to hit his friend in the shoulder as a warning. Apparently Okuyasu is stupid and doesn't know about the girl's problem, unlike Josuke. Y/N is quiet and outgoing, oblivious to the flirtatious Okuyasu.

Okuyasu says goodbye to his friends and runs home. Josuke walked Y/N out to the street out of courtesy. It doesn't matter that the girl's place of residence is further 6 minutes walk.

Josuke is dreaming about how he'll have a good time with Y/N when he confesses his feelings. But... if this happens? Maybe Y/N will refuse the pompous guy like the rest.

"We've arrived. Thanks for seeing Josuke off. I owe you a debt." Y/N turns to face the teenager.

"Not worth it. It is my duty to see the girl as a true gentleman." Dabbles in Josuke with a grin on his face.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

"Oh wait Y/N." Josuke stops the girl. "I would like to suggest something. Would you mind having fun with us? It's embarrassing to watch anxious guys running around you all the time, and it will be more fun next to me, Okuyasu, Yukako and Koichi."

The girl thought about it. Josuke offers friendship with the others. What if this is some kind of plan? Something like Midori's plan, when he pretended to be a cute and fluffy boy, but then showed an evil side. What if Josuke is the same? Many people spoke differently about the teenager. Guys are constantly jealous of his beauty and popularity among girls. Others thought Josuke was too arrogant a teenager. The school thugs disliked Josuke and often fought.

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