Chapter 29// Work Studies

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With no hesitation, I ran to the guy who messed with the vehicles seeing as he has the more dangerous quirk while doing my best to avoid the cars he was launching at me and making sure they take as little damage as possible because people pay good money for those but before I could get close to them, in the corner of my eyes I saw a mother and her child about to be crushed by a truck

I rushed turning my direction towards them but the truck was only a couple meters above their head

'Shit! I won't make it'


I thought while trying to run faster


I managed to take them away in time using my whips as a lasso

"Thank you, thank you" the mom said almost in tears

"My pleasure and don't worry us heroes will take care of things so both of you are safe" I told them

"Chargebolt, protect the civilians We'll deal with them" Cybot yelled

"Yes Sir!" I replied

"Please follow me" I told the people I tried to get them far away from the villains, While running I stole a glimpse at the two villains

'What is up with those guys? They're like some destructive man babies'

I lead them somewhere where the ground wasn't shaking and away from destruction before stopping "Please wait here while we-"


I was cut off mid-sentence by that loud *bang* it felt and sounded as if a giant boulder fell from the sky

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

A big tall muscular figure stood right in front of me

'No frikin way, it's Muscular from the LOV'

'That's right originally he got captured after getting beaten up by Midoriya at the training camp but this timeline that never happened'

'Damnit! why here?! There are more civilians here'

"What a beautiful herd of sheep TO KILL!" said muscular attempting to get his hands on some people

Third-person POV

Kaminari used his whips to try to hold back muscular, he knew this guy was crazy strong from the first timeline Midoriya explained told them about fighting him on the training camp so he didn't hold back

Also panicking since he might have to fight him alone but he knows how hard he's trained to get his abilities to where they are now and he was confident in those abilities so he shook off most of his fears

The second his whips wrap around muscular he sends an insane amount of 15 million volts through it knowing fully well that that would stop him but hoping it would at least slow him down

And lucky for him it did

He knows that muscular is stronger than him but he also knows that he's faster than muscular so he did his best to put his advantage of speed into good use he also made sure that his attacks were precise so that he doesn't accidentally shock a civilian

Meanwhile, muscular was getting annoyed at the blondes attacks they were very painful not gonna lie

"You little bug!" Muscular exclaimed, he somehow managed to catch Kaminari by his collar and lift him up in the air using only his right arm but Kaminari was witty because since he and muscular has already made physical contact he released another wave of volts "INDISCRIMINATE SHOCK 50 MILLION VOLTS!!"

Muscular loosened his grip due to the sudden shock

He did his best to make sure muscular kept his attention on him and away from other people


Punches were thrown and dodged attacks were exchanged the blonde did his best to stall the villain until the pros arrived but unluckily for him it has only been less than 3 minutes most of the civilians were standing still watching the fight some even recording with their phones which is something Denki would never understand if there's a threat then get away from it as fast as possible not watch and record it

Denki tried he really tried he used up his power to the most but keeping it under control so that he doesn't go dumb

Muscular now has scars on his face marked by electricity while Kaminari was bleeding from his mouth and forehead and his entire body numb if his <Auto Pilot> didn't exist he'd probably be dead

Kaminari still had a good 23% left he made another attack and muscular dodges exhaustedly "You pest, if I was allowed to kill you I would have done it long ago" muscular said under his breath not loud enough for anyone to hear

All of a sudden Kurogiri's warp gate appeared right beside muscular "all right my job's done"

Denki panicked thinking he was gonna get away he tried to stop him but he was a second too late

'DAMNIT!!!' he screamed mentally feeling distorted that muscular got away

He received praise from the civilians but still, he got away so he just ended up staring at the night sky thinking how he could have done things differently and better


Aizawa sat in his office going through the news articles that were written about his students

'I suppose it won't be a bad idea' he thought


Kaminari walked into the teacher's lounge because Aizawa for some reason called for him

"You wanted to see me sensei?" Denki asked, he looked and saw that Insight was sitting right next to Aizawa, he was confused but probably wasn't gonna ask any questions

"Yes, sit down " said Aizawa, Denki sat down and looked at his teacher

"Hey, good job at your last patrol" said Insight

"Thank you" Denki replied

"Alright let's get down to business" Aizawa said

"There's a very important mission that gonna take place that I'm a part of and I think we'll need you for it" Aizawa continued

"Umm, what's it about?" Kaminari asked

"Us along with many other pros will be raiding the Shie Hassaikai, we git permission to bring you along with the mission if you said yes " Aizawa said

"I'm in" Denki said, taking part in a raid mission with other pros is a chance that Denki definitely won't turn his back on, it'll be a little something to keep his mind occupied

Hi, my exams are right around the corner please pray for me 😓

I'm not the proudest of this chapter but the next one will be stellar, promise 😁

New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ