10½:Christmas special

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Author pov


The holiday of giving and presents. Being merry and joyful.

Not really Y/n's strong suit.

Y/n is; as Midoriya would put it, "She's just kind of there to be honest."

Y/n didn't have school today because it was Christmas. She did however want to make some food.

So Y/n go all dressed up in f/h/c (Fav. Holiday clothes) and went to the store.

Y/n didn't feel like knowing what was going to happen today so she decided to let the day play out. Whether this was a good idea or not. Well time will tell.

Y/n pov

Once I had left my house small snowflakes had started to fall. They landed on my coat and my hair.

My face turned into a small smile even after trying not to.

I walked down the road and to the store with a light skip in my step.

Once I had reached the store, I went to the far back to get some ice cream. In walked 3 people cover head to toe in black with guns in their hands.

I looked at them with a bored stare as they started talking.

"Everyone down on the ground, this is a robbery!" Perp one shouted. The perp then raised his gun at a man who was protecting his children.

My eye twitched as the two kids held onto each other. Their eyes started to tear up as they looked at their father and the perp in fear.

I looked around at the people in the store who had all laid on the ground. However I was still standing; the three perps hadn't seen me yet. So I turned into a cat and jumped onto the top rack of the merchandise.

One of the people abiding by the perps orders looked at me and I put a paw to my mouth signaling them to be quiet.

I slowly moved down the aisle towards the 3 perps. I had to be careful not to push off some of the boxes and food as I crouched down and looked at the perps.

"Everyone empty out your pockets and lay them next to you." There was a scramble as the people did as they were told. Once the noise stopped one of the perps walked down the aisle and started collecting everything.

I ran back down the aisle and as soon as he turned the corner and was out of site from the others I pounced on him.

My body shifted into my human form and grabbed the mask off the perps face. I then pinned them down to the ground as I looked at their face.

The man had grey hair and was as pale as a sheet of paper. He looked like he had been pulled off a pencil drawing.

My eyes flashed f/c as my powers took to work.

Enpitsu Numba

His quirk makes his body made of a graphite-like substance. He can change what he looks like by drawing on a new face. He is also capable of drawing something on his body and it comes off as real. He was bullied for the way he looked when he was in primary school. He wants to get revenge on the bully's by proving to them that he can be helpful. He can't go out into the rain without his face and body getting soggy and being unable to walk.

I sighed as the words finished passing by my vision. "You do know you don't have to prove anything to anyone. Right?" The man looked at me in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. His eyes looked around trying to find a way to get out of my hold.

"If you try and prove yourself to every person that looks down on you. You will go nowhere and you will never be happy. Do you want that?" I looked into his graphite drawn eyes and he stared at me in bewilderment.

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