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A couple thousand years ago the dimension barrier between worlds split causing mass destruction. Time froze for just long enough for a never before seen element to appear. The element grew and grew until it turned into a body shape that fell through the crack and closed the barrier. No one saw or could figure out what happened so they wrote up as paranormal activity and forgot about it.

A philosopher at the time wrote about it documenting the destruction and the injuries caused by this event in hopes that one day in the future someone will figure out what happened to cause this event and make sure it never happens again.

Author-sama pov:

"The end." Y/n finished closing the book and putting it back on the book self. Walking over to theY many bunk beds and tucking each kid in with care, "Sleep tight don't let the dreams run away." She whispered, tucking the last child in and turning off the lamp next to the chair she occupied moments before. Walking to the big oak door opening and closing it with caution as to not wake up the kids.

Y/n smiled to herself. Walking down the hall and into her own room. Flicking the light on her eyes stung for a moment adjusting to the brightness and looked around the f/c room until she found what she was looking for.

 Flicking the light on her eyes stung for a moment adjusting to the brightness and looked around the f/c room until she found what she was looking for

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Her eyes landed on a book.

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(Photo goes to respectful owners)

Walking over to it she picked it up and flipped through the pages. Scanning each one until a word popped out at her. I was glowing l/f/c (least fav. color). Y/n's eyes shined a vibrant f/c then flickered back to e/c. Putting the book in a drawer of her desk she walked over to her dresser bending down and fumbled around the bottom for a couple minutes until she pressed a knot in the wood. Instantly the dresser collapsed itself and turned into a tiny box.

Y/n picked it up and slid it into her pocket. Doing the same thing with the bed and desk. Looking around the room Y/n walked to the closet opening the door she pulled out a black (or grey) bag. Unzipping it and dumping it out on the floor. Knives, swords, guns and other weapons tumbled out along with a pen and pad and a s/f/c pouch. Mumbling to herself about how stupid she is with organization she picks up the pen, pad and the pouch stuffing the rest of the weapons in to the bag she sits down and starts to write.

Dear Headmistress,

I'm very sorry about how abrupt this is but I must be taking my leave. Tell the children I love them and that they will have families of their own soon. I know this is short but I love you all and will miss you very much.

With lots of love,

Y/n l/n

Smiling sadly to herself she rips the piece of paper out of the pad, setting it in the very middle of the room. Putting the pen and pad back into the bag. Grabbing the pouch off the floor she opens it and looks inside.

"Money, Credit card, ID's. Good. We're ready to go." Putting the pouch in her pocket. She stands up straight and mutters to herself. "My hero academia here we come." Snapping her fingers she fades away into nothingness. The only remnant that she was ever there is the note placed in the middle of the floor.

Author-sama: sorry about not publishing here. Sorta forgot about it. SORRRYY!!!


634 words

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