𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝟤

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Youra put her bag at her study chair and throw herself on the bed. "Lee Heeseung? Class 1-2 boy?" she stare into the air. "Wait- I haven't seen his face yet. It was dark at the hallway." She sighed. "Why did I even care." She got up and washed herself.


Heeseung makes his way to home after buying his favorite ice cream, Melona. He looked around, and saw a woman squatting on the edge of the pole. "Girl, where's your parents?" "Stop saying that! I'm not a kid." "How old are you?" "22 you dumbass." "How could I know? You're short." "I'm not short, you're just tall." "So miss, are you drunk?" "No, I'm not. Look! I can stand up properly and walk straight."

 She starts walking and fell. "Ouch it's hurts!!" Heeseung just looked at her from a distance and started coming closer. "It's dangerous at the outside alone. Let me take you to the police station." "Huh? Why? I didn't do anything." She pout. "I just want to keep you safe. You're a woman." "No! I want to stay here." She giggle. Heeseung just grab her and put her on his back.


"Here we are." He stood in front of the police station. "Yourin?" "Hi, Miss Lim." She smiled. Heeseung took a glance at her. "Can you hand me your phone?" "No, why would you take it?" "To call your family." Yourin nod and hand her the phone. "It's locked." "My face." Miss Lim scan her face for the phone to detect. As soon as it's unlocked, she began to start searching for her family members number.

𝘓𝘪𝘭 𝘴𝘪𝘴?

She immediately dialed that number. "Hello?" "Who are you?" "Are you Yourin's sister?" "Yes, I am." "She's drunk, and she's at a police station near the cybercafe." "Really? Thank you, I'm on my way." She hang up. "Her sister is on the way. Thank you for your help." "No problem." Heeseung headed outside and go back home as planned.


"Sister? You looks messy.. Why did you drink alone?" Youra said with a worried tone. "Btw miss, where did you find her?" "It's not me, it was this one guy with a perfect body posture, and his height was about.. 180? He looks young, maybe at your age." "Ouh, I see. Do you perhaps know his name?" "No, I forgot to ask." "Ouh, nevermind. Thanks, miss." She bowed at her with smile and left the police station.


Youngsoo went in Youra's room without knocking. "Sister!!" she got startled. "Do that again, and you're dead." He chuckled. "Mom asked for your uniform." "At the wardrobe." She rolled her eyes. "Ah, sis. Can you lend me—" "I don't have a mood to pick a fight with you today. How much?" she sighed. "50?" she take her money out and give them to him. "Ayyy you're the best!" he jumps and left her room with uniform in his hand.


"Daughter! Wake up! You're late." "What time is it now?" "8:30" Youra widened her eyes. "This is crazy!" she run out from her room and bump into Yourin. "Yah! Watch where you going" "Sorry."


"Hello, sir. I'm sorry that I'm late. I—" she stop. Wait. What class is this? She looked up. 1-2?! "Um, sorry sir I think I'm entering the wrong class." She bowed to him and walked away. Embarrassing. "Yah, Youra." "What?" "Nothing.. I just love seeing your annoyed face." Sunoo smile widely. "Stop it, Sunoo." "I'm going to the mall after school. Wanna come?" "Sure. But I agreed just because I'm bored." "Whatever." Sunoo scoffed. kring!!!. The bell rings. It was a lunch time! 

"Guys, look who's bringing a lunchbox here. Such a kid." So Hee said as they all laugh. Youra smirk. "Oh yeah? Look who's faking her lips here." Youra point out her finger to her lips where she got a lips filler. "I did not!" "I got prove." Youra lift her eyebrows and they left. "Maybe I should buy something sweet to prevent my anger." She walks out from the classroom and headed to the canteen buying some dessert.


She walks by the hallway, eating doughnut. Looking around her surrounding and bumps into someone. "Watch where you going." The boy stopped, and she looked up. "Oh no! It falls. Need a new one?" he said. Youra ignored him and went into her classroom without looking back. "Heeseung, don't moke a girl." "I'm not."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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