{17} I Can Fix Him

Start from the beginning

"Do you know where he was while he was presumed dead?" Aizawa asked and the red head shook his head

"No, I don't know the truth behind that"

"Other than USJ was there any other times you came in contact with him?" Kirishima remained silent, he had to tell him everything but he couldn't bring himself to say anything. He's never had so many conflicting thoughts before.

By not telling him he could be risking the lives of his friends and other pros but this was [m/n] they were talking about... part of Kirishima still cared deeply for him and didn't want him to get hurt. Part of him still thought that maybe... just maybe he could change [m/n].

"Kirishima... keep your emotions out of this and think logically. I know he may have been your friend in the past but the [l/n] you knew then is not the [l/n] you know right now." Kirishima chewed on his bottom lip

"...At the mall... the time we went to the mall together before the training camp." He gulped loudly "He was there too, he came up to me and we just talked"


"Nothing important... just about a new video game I wanted to show him... and I bought us ice cream" Kirishima smiled softly at the memory "but then that video..." his smiled dropped instantly at the reminder of that video that some sick bastard had put up on the screen.

"...any other time?"

That night when [m/n] came over to Kirishima's house, soaked to the bone, shivering and near tears. And they kissed—a lot... and almost went much further than that...

"...The training camp" Kirishima quickly added "we umm— we were only together before Iida, Ojiro, Mineta, and Koda showed up"

"What were you two doing?" Kirishima gulped

"I was just asking why he was here, and he said that... that it was gonna be ok..."

"Did he tell you about their plans to capture Bakugou?"

"No, no he didn't" Kirishima shook his head. Aizawa went silent for a bit, staring at the red head as if deciding if what he was saying was true at all

"Is that all?" Kirishima nodded "have you seen him since then?" He shook his head. He was fiddling with his fingers and his knees where bouncing up and down at a fast pace. What was gonna happen to him now? Was he gonna be in trouble because of this?? "Alright" Aizawa sighed as he stood up and began leaving the classroom

"W-Wait! What's gonna happen to me now?" The red head shot up from his seat

"I'm gonna pass everything you just told me to the principal and he will decided which actions to take from there" Aizawa said stopping at the door. Kirishima's fist tighten up by his side, his shoulders hunched up as he looked down at his feet "...you have to accept that fact that [l/n] is no longer the same boy you knew back in junior high" Aizawa said over his shoulder "he's chosen his path and you've chosen yours... as an aspiring hero, Kirishima, you need to do what's best for the people you're trying to save... not for you... I know it'd hard to hear but you need to let him go" with that Aizawa left the classroom.

Those words hit Kirishima hard, he knows what Aizawa is saying is right but he just wasn't ready to hear it, and quite frankly, he wasn't ready to accept it either.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, dried the tears that had escaped, and slowly dragged his body back to their dorm. When he stepped in all of the class A students were there chilling in the lounge looked over at him

"Oi, Kirishima" Kaminari waved at the boy "what's wrong dude, you look really... out of it"

"O-Oh, it's nothing... I gotta go change..."

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