"Wait, you're letting me go?" Keh asked. Robyn had been trying to arrest her for so long, she was caught by surprise.

"Just this one time" Robyn said.

"Thanks" she said rubbing her wrists. "I owe you one" she quickly jogged away before Robyn could change her mind.

Robyn was feeling all types of different emotions right now but she was mostly nervous. She always imagined what her real parents looked like and now she was finally gonna see.

She parked across from the small home and watched as the family gathered together at the dinner table. She was the perfect mixture of each of her parents. She wondered which one she acted like more.

Their names was Monica and Ronald Fenty and they had two other kids after Robyn was born. But they kept them. Why did they give her up then? Why wasn't she enough?

They looked so.. happy. Robyn was jealous and hurt. She wanted to be happy too.

Robyn had been dreaming of this day for so long and yet she was still sitting in the car. She was tired of being on the outside looking in.

She walked to the front door and gulped as she knocked on the door. She tapped her fingers on her thigh while she waited for a answer.

She started to back away. This was a mistake. She should've never came here.

Just as she was about to turn away the door opened. She locked eyes with her birth father.

"Oh my" he covered his mouth, recognizing Robyn from first sight. "Monica, it's finally happened. She's here" he called out from inside the house. "She's home" he spoke almost in a whisper as he smiled at his baby girl.

"Robyn. You are just as beautiful as the day you were born" he smiled.

Robyn stood as still as a deer in headlights. What was she supposed to say? She didn't know what she expected but I wasn't this. Ronald being so welcoming and kind was unfamiliar territory to her.

Monica came beside him. Her mouth dropped as she saw who was at the door. She pulled Robyn in her arms and held her daughter.

Robyn bit her lip to stop it from trembling but she was soon consumed with sobs. Meeting her birth parents was more overwhelming than she ever imagined.

"Don't cry my love" Ronald tried to console her. His kind words only broke her heart even more. Because she needed this growing up. She needed their love.

"Why didn't you want me?" She somehow managed to say between her sobs.

"What's going on Ma?" A young man came up behind his parents to see what all the commotion was.

He was so much taller and bigger than Robyn but she knew exactly who he was. It was her little brother Rorrey.

"Let's talk" Ronald insisted on explaining everything. He invited her inside to talk.

She tried her best to stay calm as she walked inside the house that could've been her childhood home if they didn't give her up.

Robyn was full on expecting them to tell her some crazy story about how she was kidnapped as a baby and they searched for her for years but never found her. But they didn't.

They told her that they were only teenagers when they had her and that they tried their best to keep her, but simply couldn't afford it anymore. Apparently Monica was a stay at home mom, leaving Ronald to fend for the household.

He was a construction worker and got hurt on the job. He had compensation but it didn't help much. He could never fully heal from his injury so he had to find another job to support the family. It was hard for him.

The first job he got was as a janitor but the pay was shit. He went searching for a second one. Whatever he could do, he did. He tried his best but there were times where the whole family went nights without eating.

He told Robyn that she used cried all through the night because she was hungry. He hated to see his babygirl in agony. He didn't want this life for her. So.. he did the last thing he wanted to do. Give her up. She needed a more suitable home. He wanted more for her.

"It hurt us to let you go but we had to think of you. We wanted you to have the best life whether if it was with us or not" he explained that their intentions were in her favor.

Robyn clenched her jaw as more tears rolled off her cheek. Well they were wrong. She thought to herself. She would've been better off poor with a loving family than well-off with a heartless one.

"We're sorry. I'm sorry" Ronald took Robyn's hand and brought it to his chest as he looked her in the eye. "Forgive us"

Robyn wiped away her tears and nodded. She can't be mad at them. They didn't know what the type of family would adopt her. It wasn't their fault.

Ronald pulled her into a hug and she cried happy tears in her dads arms.

"I wanna meet them" Robyn smiled, speaking of her brothers.

Rorrey walked into the room after overhearing everything. He bombarded Robyn with a hug. At one point she swore he lifted her up in the air.

The younger one, Rajad, came in behind him and hugged her too. He didn't even wait until she was free from Rorreys hold. She didn't mind though. They were her little brothers.

Robyn played catch up the rest of the night. She wanted to know everything and so did they. There was probably still a lot more to learn about them but the first night wasn't so bad.

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