"Yes, you're wrong" she sat up straight and remained assertive.

"Then prove to me you can be better. Do better, Robyn. March into the precinct and demand for your job back"

"I can't do that. You know I can't"

He crossed his arms and looked at her with a poker face.

"And why can't you" 

"You know why" Robyn eyes pointed towards the floor to avoid the shameful look in her fathers face. "Look, I didn't come here for all of this. Can you just do this one thing for me? For once in your life, be a good father to me. That's all I'm asking"

"You should know me well enough to know I don't give handouts. You've got to earn your place just like everyone else. You're dismissed, soldier" he raised his hand towards the door.

She stood up and eyed him down. She learned so many strategic combat techniques while she was away, she could snap him in half in twenty different ways. She really wanted to. But that's her dad.

She walked out of the study and as she was walking out of her childhood home she stumbled upon a picture she couldn't believe she didn't notice when she first came in.

"Hey mom" she kissed her fingertips and touched the frame as her eyes began to water. "I miss you"

Her father stepped out of the study and saw Robyn speaking to her mother. She saw him in the corner of her eye and wrapped it up.

"We'll talk soon" she kissed her fingertips and pressed it against the frame.

She walked out the door without looking back at her dad. She shook her head. What was she thinking coming here asking him to help her out?

Beyoncé called Robyn a few hours later. Junior suggested that they go out. How could she pass that up? She hasn't seen Robyn in half a decade. She wanted to know everything.

The last thing robyn was expecting was a call from Beyoncé wanting to "reconnect". She had her doubts about hanging out with Beyoncé, especially due to the awkward circumstances. But this was probably something she had to accept sooner or later, so she agreed.

"Hey" Robyn said meeting Beyoncé on the sidewalk.

"Is it weird that we're doing this?" She asked.

"No, not weird at all. Just going on a date with my ex girlfriend who now dates my brother"

"Don't think of it as that. Just think of it as old friends reconnecting after a long time"

Robyn hummed before shaking her head. "Nah.. I like going on a date better"

Beyoncé smiled at the sly girl.

"Are you going to be on your best behavior tonight?" She asked looking her up and down.

"I'll try to contain myself" she smirked.

"So where are you taking me?" Beyoncé cheesed. Robyn was in charge of planning most of the dates they went on when they were younger.

"You called me, you should be the one wine and dining me"

"Where are you taking me?" She asked again, not trying to hear anything she was saying.

"Just follow me" Robyn extended her hand and Beyoncé gladly took it. She followed her closely as Robyn lead her to wherever.

Robyn really didn't know where to go. She was just walking until something caught her eye. Truth was she was enjoying being so close to Beyoncé. Hand in hand like the old days. It was so cold outside that Beyoncé leaned against her shoulder from time to time. Robyn took the longest route just for that reason.

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