Chapter 11

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Hearing a knock on the front door, you excitedly got of the couch and went to open it " Precisely on time" you grinned at Hina and gestured her to enter

Smiling, the girl stepped inside, took off her shoes and placed them neatly by the entrance " Where's Emma?"

" In the bathroom drying her hair" you said and walked towards your sisters bedroom, your friend following behind

Opening the door you sat down on one of the mattresses and told Hina to make herself comfortable. Putting down her stuff, she proceeded to change into her Pajamas

Thinking that was a rather good idea you excused yourself and quickly went to your own room to grab your sleeping clothes. A simple pair of sweat pants and a oversized shirt

Skipping back to your sisters room you could distinctly hear two people laughing. And when you entered you saw Hina showing something on her phone that apparently made your sibling burst into a fit of laughter

 " What's so funny" you asked and closed the door

" Y/n! Y-you ve to se-ee t-t-hhis p-picture" Emma tried to form a coherent sentence between her fit of giggles

Gazing at Hina you saw that she was also trying to stifle her laughter by covering her mouth which made you all the more curious

However when she showed you the cause of their amusement, your reaction was a tad different...

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Instead of laughing, all you did was stare blankly at the picture " And this is your boyfriend..." you mumbled awkwardly " Sorry Hina but for the first time I feel quite disgusted "

" Hey!" the girl snatched her phone out of your hands " He's not always making a face like that. There are plenty of times when he's looking just as attractive as your Chifuyu"

" M-my what now?" you nearly choked on your saliva 

" You heard me" the girl smirked at your somewhat flustered face

" Let me stop you right there missy" you defensibly waved your hands in front of you " First of all, he's just my best friend and second, don't compare Takemichi with him. Especially when Chifuyu's hair looks way better then his "

" He doesn't always wear it like that! "

From the sidelines, Emma stared dryly at her two friends bickering with each other. At first she found it entertaining but after a few minutes, the yelling started to bother her so she decided to put an end to it

" That's enough!" she slapped both girls on the back of their heads " You guys are giving me a headache "

" Sorry..." the two simultaneously apologized 

" Anyway, Y/n change your clothes and Hina help me pick out a movie " the blond instructed and opened her laptop

Doing as was told, you first proceeded to put on your sweat pants and then your shirt. However while doing so it had completely slipped your mind that you still wore bandages around your torso. And of course this didn't go unnoticed by your two females companions

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