I will make a happy ending in this life

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When I walk home, from school my friend told me that there where a new manhwa that had trend in Korea. So I read when I at home.

I hope this story is worth it to read

My god this is so good the author is in the next level
But I feel sorry for Jennette.If I was Jennette I will become strong and I will only find my real father
I should sleep now

When I woke up I was in a big mansion
Where I'm I
As I was looking around their a boy sitting he come close to me and ask

your awake Jennette a boy said
POV (mind)
Jennette!! What the hell is going on
Then I realized that the boy who's talking is ijekiel

Are you ok Jennette ijekiel said

hm yeah I'm ok
This is unbelievable I become Jennette


So I become Jennette who is the daughter of the late emperor anastasius.
I will change Jennette fate😌.
So in order to do that I must find Jennette real father.
I just need money so I can leave this house.

Ijekiel:hey Jennette wanna play out side
Jennette:yeah sure
Jennette (mind):ಥ╭╮ಥ

We play out side every day

Jennette:where I'm I, I must have gone to far just to hide(╥﹏╥)
When I was walking I bump into someone
Jennette:I'm so sorry
????:no it's ok
When I look up I can't believe what I saw
athanasia:are you ok

thanasia(mind): Jennette!!! , No stay clam
Jennette:I should get going now bye!!!

No way I just meet athanasia but this is not the time where Jennette gonna meet athanasia, I should not think of it now my only goal is to find Jennette father, I should head back home.

My god(╥﹏╥) I have to hide so ijekiel won't find me


As I was walking away to find a hiding spot I just realize that I was lost👁️👄👁️

Jennette:hayst I'm lost again(╥﹏╥)
?????:look what we have here

To be continued

In This Life I Will Make A Happy EndingWhere stories live. Discover now