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Y/n's POV

I was just making a new version of my villain costume when footsteps appeared. They were quiet and confused. How'd they get past my defenses? It must Eraser or shit isn't it. Well I guess I'll find out it might very well be hawks or the league of villains.

I ran to the 2nd floor where they, whoever they were was walking around. At least its not Toga because the feet making the footsteps were too big. Once I got there the entrance was facing its back. It looked about 6 2'. I ran up to it and put my jack of spades card to its throat.

Then he used nen to elbow me in the gut he sent me flying into the wall, my eyes widened. Only I was supposed too be able to use nen. There was now a hole in my wall too! I have too beat this guy and find out how he uses nen like I do! Then he turned around. He looked exactly like the male version of me would look like. This time both of our eyes widened. "Who the hell are you? Why do you look like me? How do use nen? Only I'm supposed to be able to do that!" I shouted at him while using bungie gum to grab my my card back.

"How'd you use my bungie gum!" He shouted back. "It's my ability!"

"Wait... So.. You can you use bungie gum too!?" I questioned.

"Can you use texture suprise?" He asked calming down.

"I can. I use it to trick the Phantom Troop to make them think I'm one of them," I stated now being completely calm.

Then we started walking to the base. "Where's Gon?" He asked.

"Who the fuck is he?" I answered.

"He has green hair," I look up a picture of Deku.

"Like this kid?" I asked pointing at the picture on my phone.

"No that isn't him but he has green hair... Where am I anyway?"

"You're currently in Mufusu, Japan. Where are you from?"

"I not from here I have no clue where Japan even is! Too answer your question from earlier everyone in the world I'm from can use nen. The last thing I remember is somebody challenging all the spiders at once. Then when the fists all coolided they disappeared. But that was almost a year ago'" my eyes widened yet again, "Why the wide eyes?"

"The Phantom Troop arrived about a year ago! You must be the Hisoka person they thought I was. Just a random fact about this world 80% of the population has basically a superpower it's called a quirk and there is proheros which are very annoying for us villains. Especially Eraserhead, he can erase quirks." Then we had finally arrived, "We're here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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