Ch. 4 - RUNAWAY MAN [editted]

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"We should kill her"

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"We should kill her"

"Kill our parents!"

"Where are we going?"

"Who's that?"

"I remember what your past life is like, how boring"

"Let's eat someone"



"Hey I'm talking to you idiot!"

2nd POV:

This is driving you mad, for the past few hours Michael Jackson kept on bothering you with ten thousands of questions making you having a major Headache.

'OI CAN'T YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH??' You told him inside your mind, you could've sworn that Jackson rolled his eyes at you.

"When are we running away?"

'When you stop bombarding me with questions, you're making me get a major migraine and because of that it isn't safe for me to runaway.'

And so Muzan kept quiet.

You sighed and this time you rolled your eyes, pinched your temple and continue to do what you usual do in the day.

'I'm ready to head out. Make sure to help me see if there's anything suspicious Jackson' you said as you opened your window, your clothes in your leather bag.

"Tch, don't tell me what to do"

You sighed and jumped out of the window.

You jumped from tree to tree, feeling the wind blowing against your skin. It's cool, not cold surprisingly.

"So this is how it feels to fly..." you mumbled.

"You're a dumb bitch you know that right? We're not 'flying' but jumping. Highly." Muzan said to you, you decided to ignore him and his damn comment.

"Where the hell are we even going?" Muzan suddenly asked.

"We're going to a deep forest to sleep there until it's time to wake up" you told Muzan, not caring that you didn't speak inside your mind since nobody could hear you anyways.

"Let's go kill some humans!! Even if you have a high tolerance, I DON'T! I could feel hunger right now and I might die!!" Muzan complained.

"Shut the fuck up, we're not eating humans, unless you want to actually die by the hands of demon slayers" you told him.

"They don't exist in this era yet."

"No you're an idiot, didn't you read my memories when you were bored? It's our long distant cousins, the UBUYASHIKI CLAN that made the demon slayers when they got their curse"

"Then let's go kill them, then we won't need to be afraid of anything!"

"You-!" You were stressed that Muzan is just thinking about eating and killing humans and become perfect, nothing else.

And so you continued to ignore his rant and proceeded to find a very large forest.

Forgetting that you wanted to visit the Ubuyashiki Clan earlier.

Forgetting that you wanted to visit the Ubuyashiki Clan earlier

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