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It had all just ended, the terror of Weirdmageddon. The evil triangle was gone, and his weirdness had been reversed. The "Nevermind All That" act had just been passed. Gwendolyn Northwest was standing with her cousin, Pacifica, as they watched the Pines Family take their share of the glory, then throw their journals into the bottomless pit. It was that moment that Gwen saw...

One of the journals at her feet. When her cousin walked away, she picked it up. On the cover were six fingers, with a three painted over them. "What... is this?" She skimmed through the pages, her eyes widening with every turn. "What?"

*Que theme song*

Authors Note

This is (as said in the description) a story that I wrote with my friend, Cy. We had a lot of fun writing this, and I will try to upload every day! Enjoy!

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