Come To Stay-10

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Chapter Ten

Mutely, Aubrey walked to the screen door to catch one last glimpse of Reeve as he strolled out of her life. His limp was more pronounced now, his shoulders hunched. Aubrey bit viciously into her bottom lip, and the taste of blood filled her mouth. Never had anything been more difficult; never had anything been more right.

Someday the hurt would go away and she would be stronger for it. At least that was what Aubrey told herself repeatedly in the long, dark days that followed. She had no energy. Listlessly, she lay around the house. Food held no appeal, and she began skipping meals. Her weight began to drop. She wouldn't allow herself the luxury of tears. The decision had been made; she had done the right thing. It would be useless to cry over it now.


Five days after Reeve's visit, there was no doubt that summer had arrived in Southern California. Heat and humidity filled the tiny apartment, and Aubrey turned on a fan in hopes the small appliance would stir the heavy heat.

The thin cotton blouse stuck to her skin, and she unfastened the second button. Perspiration rolled down the hollow between her breasts.

Impatiently, she walked into the kitchen and took a soft drink out of the refrigerator. Empty calories for an empty life, she mused, as she ripped the pull tab from the can.

Her cell rang, and she felt like plugging her ears. There wasn't anyone she wanted to talk to. Not her mother. Not her brother. Not even Danielle. No one. The whole attitude was so unlike her that Aubrey knew it was important to shed this dark apathy as quickly as possible. "Hello." Her voice held little welcome.

"Hi, Aubrey. This is Peter. How you doing?"

"Peter," she spoke into the mouth piece, surprise raising her tone. "I'm fine. How are you?"

"Great. Listen, I know this is sudden and all, but how about dinner? We could meet at Mobey Jake's."

"I ... I don't know." She hesitated. Why torture herself? Peter was sure to mention Reeve.

"Have you eaten?" he asked.

"No. It's too hot to eat."

"Come on," Peter encouraged. "It's the least you can do, since I didn't get so much as a good-bye when you left. That still rankles." He was playful and teasing.

Aubrey laughed, and the sound surprised her. It'd been weeks since she'd found anything amusing. "All right," she agreed, "but give me an hour."

"Do you want me to pick you up, or can you meet me?"

"I'll meet you."

Mobey Jake's held fond memories. The flashing neon whale, round tables with faded umbrellas, and some of the best fried fish on the California coast. The first barrier she had hurdled in her relationship with Reeve had been the night she had brought him an order of fish from Mobey Jake's. Even L.J. had liked this fish the best. And who could blame him?

Aubrey was sitting at a table that overlooked the seashore far below when Peter arrived. He came from the direction of the beach home, which answered Aubrey's first uncertainty. Peter was still with Reeve. She had to wonder if Reeve had sent him to talk to her. As soon as the question formed, she knew the answer. Reeve did his own talking. Peter parked the older-model convertible and waved. Aubrey returned the gesture. He looked fit, tan, and muscular. Tucking the car keys into his jeans pocket, he smiled as he strolled toward her. "You look good." The hesitation was slight enough for her to notice.

"I don't, either."

"Lost weight?"

"A few pounds." Her fingers curled around a tall foam cup. "I'm ready to order." She changed the subject abruptly, not wanting to be the topic of their conversation.

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