- Bellatrix | Christmas with the Malfoys p3

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Narcissa stepped forwards with the presents, kneeling before the elf who stood first in line.

"Merry Christmas Dobby."

The elf's eyes lit up with just when he got the round and neatly wrapped package. He replied with a merry Christmas and then went out of the way so that the elf behind him could get their present.

The elf had a small bow on their head and their eyelashes were really long , making me guess that this was a girl.

(Not assuming genders here! It's the description they give for her in the book, I swear xD)

"Merry Christmas Winky."

She as well looked very happy to get her package. It looked like all the presents were the same shape and size, which led me to believe they all have the same item, but personalized for the specific elf.

We watched as she slowly went don't the line of 11 other house elves, each greeting her with a smile that was quickly returned. I looked back at Draco and found him smiling, it warmed my heart to see him so bubbly.

My head turned to my other side, though I was met with nothing but air... something was missing.. Bella was missing.. how odd..

As the last elf received their package, Narcissa stood back up and dusted off ler legs. Her eyes seemed to linger at the empty space to my left where Bella had just stood, then a smile crept up on her lips.

I went to say something about her absence when Draco spoke up.

"Perhaps we should show y/n the tree? It would be fitting since we're doing the present opening soon mother."

Draco.. always such a mommas boy. Lucius and Narcissa nodded to each other before we all went into another room quite close to the kitchen (Thank god)

The tree really sparked with joy. Lights, colors, that pine scent that calmed the nerves. I looked behind me to the doorway, still wondering where the curly haired witch was.

My head spun back around as Lucius said an incantation while waving his wand. Not gonna lie, both the Malfoy's wands were very pretty.

It came like a stream of glitter, magically appearing as if everything was shimmering. My eyes seemed to stick to to every possible sparkle as they gleamed.

I noticed the tree looked quite lonely, the presents weren't under it.. Did they have another tradition about hiding presents or something? I hope they didn't hide the ones I got for them.

My eyes must've been stuck on the sparkles because i didn't notice a small music tune starting to play, it just flew through me.

The music seemed to come from nowhere, as if I was imagining it, but I payed it no mind. I'd rather be crazy and cozy than sane and uncomfortable.

"Y/n, we have a little special present giving tradition, if you'd be so kind.. do sit down."

Narcissa led me over to the carpet before the tree before sitting down herself. The rest of the Malfoys joined us soon after, but I was still missing Bella... where was she?

Our heads turned at the sound of someone walking in the hall outside of the room. Those clinks against the marble floor calmed me the closer they got, Bella..

The anticipation built up inside me, and I could feel the smile on my face getting bigger and bigger.

Bella turned the corner..

My eyes didn't know where to look.. A Christmas hat laid on top of her curls, Her face beautifully painted with red and black.. She had her hand wrapped around the neck of a bag that she had thrown over her shoulder, her bare shoulder. The red of a Mrs Klaus dress graced my eyes as they traveled lower. Usually, she didn't wear bright colors, but she fit in them so well...

"Ho Ho Ho! Presents are here!"

She swayed her hips as she walked towards us.. gosh how I wanted to just grab her right now. Her eyes met with mine and I swear I could see a dangerous glint in them the closer she got. The bag got laid carefully on the carpet before 'Mrs Klaus' herself sat down behind it.

"Shall we begin?"

She had a playful smile on her lips as she said it, that smile made me want to do whatever she'd suggest... anything

Narcissa nodded at her sister and Bella began reaching her hands into the bag of presents. Out came a little stack of envelopes, all of which I'm assuming had their own little letter inside.

"Here we are, Christmas post first."

Her hand reached out to each of us, ending with me. I had taken a spot as close to her as possible, being able to watch her and the small details she was carrying.

I grasped the letters she gave me, our fingers touching only slightly during the transaction. Carefully, I began reading through the Christmas cards. The first one was from my mother.. I do miss seeing their faces, although I rarely do anyhow.

Apparently they were in Austria with one of my father's friends celebrating Christmas.. how fun.. The small little motion of a wave and a few smiles moved on the card, I guess it was nice of them to think of me..

The second card was from Ginny, a picture of her and the Weasleys smiling in the burrow. Fred and George had sneakily bewitched two bunny ears to hover over Ron's head which caused me to smile.

And last but not least, the third card..

A picture of a so-called 'winter wonderland' played on the card. The writing on the inside seemed very professional, but I didn't recognize it from anywhere. It couldn't be any of the Malfoys.. Draco doesn't write this nicely, Narcissa always do her 'i's with a fancy flick, Lucius has a special bow on his 'M's, and for Bella... I'd recognize her handwriting from anywhere..

This writing I'm sure I had never seen before...

'Merry Christmas, I do hope this finds you well. I wish I could be there when you open my package, but unfortunately I'm not very welcome by the hostess Mrs Malfoy'

~ With warm regards Cherie.


heheheh, end of p3 already! That damn Cherie does not give up huh? Let's see how it affects them ; )

Anyways I hope you like this and I'll see ya'll in p3! Baii!

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