Chapter 56: The Locket

Start from the beginning

Bea's parents both had magic, but her father had openly supported Harry and Dumbledore while working for the Ministry so they'd since gone into hiding for their own safety, meaning that Bea had had to quit her Magizoology apprenticeship.

"I regret to inform everyone that Severus Snape has been appointed as Headmaster, while a number of known Death Eaters, such as the Carrow siblings, are now part of the faculty. My sources tell me that they are very keen on corporal punishment, with a significant number of students walking around with bruises within the first week of school starting. Muggleborn students have all been expelled, and it is unknown if they were able to return to their families or not."

You, Fred, George and Ron sat in silent shock as the broadcast finished, and you reflected on the horrors that Hogwarts students must be facing under the new faculty. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Harry and Hermione arguing outside. You squeezed Fred's hand as you stood up, leaving the three brothers to talk in hushed whispers among themselves.

You stepped through the opening of the tent, just in time to hear Hermione speaking quietly, "I-I'm doing everything I can."

"You're not doing enough!" Harry yelled at her, and Hermione's face fell.

"Don't speak to her like that, Harry," you said icily and he turned around to see you standing outside the tent, and then he scowled and walked off, leaving Hermione sitting on the ground with tears in her eyes. You squeezed her shoulder comfortingly and followed him across the clearing.

"Take it off," you demanded and he stopped and looked around at you.

You stepped up next to him and held out your hand, "take it off. Now."

He hesitated and then did as he was told and took off the locket, handing it to you, and he visibly relaxed as he let go of it. You put it around your own neck, and as if you'd stepped into a cold shower, you felt a chill run down your spine, but you ignored it.

"Better?" you asked him and he nodded, "loads."

"We'll take it in turns, okay?" you told him, gesturing to the locket, and then you continued, "now go apologise to Hermione, she's the only reason we're even alive right now." Without waiting for his answer, you walked away. You went to the edge of your camp's protective shields, raising your wand to cast more to strengthen them.

It got dark quickly and you walked up the hill to the tent, seeing Hermione sitting outside, taking the first watch, she smiled sadly at you as you walked past. You walked over to your side of the tent and saw the twins settling down for bed on their respective bunks.

"Hey guys," you said quietly as you sat down on the side of Fred's and he sat up against the iron headboard, careful not to bang his head on the top bunk. You sat back beside him and he hugged you into his side.

"Was wondering where you'd gone off to," he said to you and you shrugged, "just wanted to be alone for a bit, I put up more protective charms." He nodded and kissed your head and George sighed loudly, "we've been here for a day and I already hate it."

"Me too," Fred said, "I'm just glad that I'm with you guys, so I don't have to worry about you."

"Did any more names come up on the radio?" you asked quietly, your unspoken words raising the question of whether any of your friends were dead.

"No, thankfully not," George said, "Ron's been listening to it non-stop, and I get why he's doing it but he'll drive himself mad waiting for bad news."

Fred played with your fingers, "he's probably just trying to comfort himself, but it really sets my teeth on edge." He looked at you for a moment and then his brows pinched in confusion.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now