I Didn't Get To Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

"You got her?" Ana yells to Natasha and Okoye as she starts running to help Steve.

"Guys Vision needs back up" Bruce yells over comms.

"Go to Vision!" Natasha yells and Ana takes off towards the forest. She runs over to Vision, she sees Steve fighting with and an alien from the train station.

"Come on, Vis. Get up." She helps him to his feet and hands him a spear. The alien throws Steve onto the ground and starts choking him.
"Steve!" Ana screams as Vision stabs the alien through he back.

She runs to Steve and helps him to his feet.

"If that was payback it was not funny." Ana scolds him.

Whats that? Steve asks. Both notice something has changed. They looks around, it's too quiet. "We have incoming" Steve says over comms.

"Ana," Steve looks at her, his eyes pleading. "Get out of here. Go find Bucky."

Ally shakes her head as she looks around. "He's here."

Thanos appears behind them in a cloud of blue and black smoke. His massive purple form dwarfing all around him. Five stones sparkle on the the gold gauntlet encasing his left hand.

Everyone starts to charge Thanos. Bruce reaches him first, but Thanos uses a stone and Bruce becomes absorbed in the rocks behind him. He picks Steve up and tosses him aside. "Steven!" Ana yells. He catches T'Challa around the throat and slams him into the ground. Ana reaches him, she sliding under his feet and push off the rocks above Bruce. Catapulting herself onto his back. She presses her hands to either side his head and presses all her power into him. Thanos reaches up and grabs her hard by the shoulder and throws her into a tree. Ana crumbles to the ground near Steve. Sam flies in, firing until Thanos disables his suit and he crashes into the ground at his feet.

Vision looks to Wanda, "We have run out of time. You have to do it." Wanda's eyes fill with tears as she forces her power into the stone, a gut wrenching cry tearing through her as she does.

James runs over, his eyes darting to an unconscious Ana, shooting at Thanos. Thanos activates the power stone, sending James flying. He lands next to Ana's unconscious body.

"Ana!" he rolls her over, blood falls from a gash at her temple. He cradles her head, urging her to wake up. One by one members of the Avengers are taken down.

Thanos come up to Wanda as she destroys the stone. He uses the Time stone and undoes the destruction. Bringing Vision back and ripping the Stone from head. Thanos places the stone in the gauntlet, the power of the universe coursing though him.

Thor lands in front of Thanos, blue lightening arching though the air around him. He uses his axe, directing lightning into Thanos. Thor throws the axe and shoves it into Thanos' chest.

"You should have gone for the head." Thanos tell him and lifts his hand. Snap. Thanos disappears.

Ana and James lean on each other to stand as Steve walks to Thor, "Where did he go?" He asks, looking around.

"Steve?" James calls out, his voice unsure and shaky, looking down. James' arm begins to turn to dust, carried away by the wind.

Ana looks over to him, "James?" Her voice full of panic, her eye brows pull together, tears threaten her eyes.

He looks at her and whispers. "Doll". Before he collapses to dust.

Ana stands staring at the spot James just was. Unable to understand what she just saw.

The dream. She saw this happening once before, the night of her panic attack. In her mind she realizes he's gone. Her eyes overflow as she falls to her knees. A gut wrenching scream erupts from somewhere inside her, the sound of her heart dying. She shakes violently, blood falls from her nose and ears. Steve runs over to her, he wraps his arms around his wife. She collapses into him, her whole body ripping apart as it starts to understand the loss. Steve tries to hold her, but the trembling of her body begins to fade.

Steve looks down to his wife a second before she looks up at him, fear in her eyes. Her legs and arms start turning to dust like James did. She clutches at her stomach, where their baby no longer exists. Tears fall from her eyes, down her cheeks.

No... no... no. Ana!! Please God... no. Steve begs, watching her disintegrate in his arms.

I love... you... she breathes her last breath. His hand moves to her cradle her cheek as she disappears. Steve stares at the space where his wife was moments ago, unable to breathe, to move, to think. Grief washes over him, she's gone. The love of his life, his reason for living. Gone. A silent scream forces it's way out of Steve's chest, his head falls back. His hands tremble violently when he brings them to his face, clawing at his hair. Steve falls back, his body failing to hold his own weight, devastation setting in.

Natasha, Thor and Bruce walk over to him, joining him on the ground. Sam, Wanda, T'Challa, Okoye, James, Ana. Gone.

They lost. They all lost.


A/N: I'm so sorry guys! I know. I know. It broke my heart to write this scene. Bare with me... it's not over yet. 

Thanks for reading and sticking me. 

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